Journey's End
Journey's End
R | 16 March 2018 (USA)
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Set in a dugout in Aisne in 1918, a group of British officers, led by the mentally disintegrating young officer Stanhope, variously await their fate.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
bendabook It is hard to put into words the impact that this movie can have on someone who may not be familiar with the droning torture of waking up in a trench waiting for death to come calling. This movie lovingly and carefully crafts that hellish and heroic existence. No stereotypes. No cheesiness. I felt that this must be what millions of average, "run of the mill" (and much above the term average!) souls endured so that we could retain freedom. Heartbreaking and humbling. Yes, war is hell. Yes, we don't want to enter into war lightly. But when fighting is required, due to a threat of our free existence, may we all be willing to do more than should be asked of any human being. The writing, acting, direction- perfection. The sense of all that was handed to succeeding generations came through in a powerful way.
soundoflight To me, "Journey's End" is a far better film than the rating may lead one to believe. It's an intense war film with extremely realistic sets and clothing. The film puts you right into the trenches of WWI in way that I've never experienced before in a film. Adapted from a play, "Journey's End" takes place primarily right in the trenches and underground officer's quarters, with the characteristic lack of set changes that come with plays and films adapted from them. While the movies are nothing alike in any way, I was reminded of the classic film "Glengarry Glen Ross," as it was also adapted from a play. When a film is adapted from a play and done right, it gains a certain intensity that is sometimes lacking in standard films. This played perfectly into the WWI trench atmosphere - a constricted, confined, intense space. These sort of movies become character focused and the actors can really shine. Therein lies my only real critique of "Journey's End," in that I found some of the acting to be a bit uneven. I have nothing against Sam Clafin (Captain Stanhope), but he failed to carry this film, even though the story is ostensibly about him. The drinking in particular bothered me - the character drank whiskey like it was water but came across as too sober and clear-eyed for it to be believable. But overall, "Journey's End" is a compelling look at a war that perhaps doesn't get the attention it deserves. Maybe it was so horrible, we'd just rather forget all about it, but therein lies the danger.
galahad58-1 One of, if not, the most boring war film that I have ever seen. Journeyman script, slow and plodding direction, and average performances. This movie takes less than two hours and makes it feel like four hours. It is slow, it is boring, the script has no depth and is pointless. This film is not a testament to the military and the plight of the soldier during the trench war of WWI. It is one of those anti-war films that are so popular with the liberal left who are always looking to condemn and belittle the military.Not recommended.
esklepios What a contrast to so much mediocrity and worse eg. Dunkirk. Set in the trenches in March 1918 but not really about the trenches or March 1918 at all.Superbly cast and acted, a beautifully written reflection of a junior officer's view of the penultimate stages of WW1. Even more, this is a beautifully written reflection on the human spirit in adversity. Of course some of the senior officers are somewhat caricatured - that is what happens in real life. Of course it becomes more and more difficult with the passage of time for people to understand the mentality of empire, the public schoolboy ethos embodied by Raliegh, Maybe the same bravado and fear affects people joining violent gangs - I know not - but Raleigh is about the same age as some gang members - 18/19. Stanhope at 21/22 is a veteran of war, Uncle (Osborne - quite possibly early 30s) almost a veteran of life in their eyes.Of course such characters have been used in films since - but this was written in 1928. It cut the new ground - others have followed.The Roman Horace said "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori." and it took until WW2 for Patton to say "The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." But what about sending your friends, your very best friends, your nearest and dearest to near certain death. What does that "do" to a man. Stanhope knows and through this film we can maybe glimpse that horror. What happens when there is no "cunning plan" left. Uncle knew.Hold them off for as long as you can. In 1914, in 1918 when Journey's End is set, and again at Dunkirk ordinary men really did. No doubt there are countless other examples both before and in the last 70 years.This film is a fitting tribute to those men.