The Trench
The Trench
| 17 September 1999 (USA)
The Trench Trailers

The Trench tells the story of a group of young British soldiers on the eve of the Battle of the Somme in the summer of 1916, the worst defeat in British military history. Against this ill-fated backdrop, the movie depicts the soldiers' experience as a mixture of boredom, fear, panic, and restlessness, confined to a trench on the front lines.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Madeleine I thought that this film was very well done. There were quite a lot of characters which at first was slightly confusing; however as the film progressed, the different characteristics of each soldier became very important to the story as a whole. Each soldier had different likable aspects to them and this worked very well.Although obviously it is hard to know what trench life was like during the First World War, this film felt very realistic and not over dramatised at all. I think 'The Trench' was an extremely good portrayal of WW1 and very moving, especially towards the end. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to learn more about actual trench life rather than the warfare itself.
gumbo31 Strangely this film has grown on me and I'm not sure why but still have a hate for it. The acting is fairly sound and it has some good moments but there isn't much feel for realism. For a start the trenches would have been infested with rats and lice and from what I've read about The Somme it seemed a lot more draumatic than what was portrayed in this film. It just looked too clean. The main hardship they had experienced was boredom, not relentless rain and the constant madness of bombardments. Also what was the point of capturing a German and then not interrogate him, but give him a fag and then let him go? Another wrong point is that the battalions would have been from the same region. Yeh, I'm being picky but why the scots were with southerners and northerners I don't know. The end of the film is the worst. Surely if there had been nights of endless shelling you'd expect to see some shell holes when going over the top? Could of had a nice picnic on that land. Shame, if the director had read more relevant books it could have been really good.
hvn1231 Ah! I thought this movie had more of Cillian, but not so. I feel that this movie would be just good as a play I see on stage. I do not really wanted to see another war movie. I know, I know war is sometimes unavoidable, but do old men start war and young men die in them? This movie answers that.I can not believe that their life was so short, peaked at the ripe age, plucked away just soon as shaving cream are brushed on. All the while they tell you to look at the camera just be be shot away when you climbed that ladder. Cheer up! Cheer up! the booze are not kicking in, we are not better off dead. Why throw your youngster just to die and not have a better plan, the Bristish Army bloodiest war.
siempre348 I really don't need a war movie to be full of explosions to like it, but there was nothing about this movie worth liking. I really couldn't find a story to follow. The characters weren't developed enough for me to feel sympathetic for when they get picked off at the end. The production value of this film was like watching a play on PBS. If the producers and director wanted to give us a feel of what hell they went through in the trench having every other scene with the actors eating isn't going to help. I mean how about making it a true hell hole? I know this is supposed to take place in Summer, but mud, rain, and seeing the actor's breath to show cold, would have really helped. The No Man's Land was so Pristine that I thought the Tele-Tubbies were going to come rolling around. They could have thrown in barbed-wire, mortar shell holes, and the like.Don't even bother borrowing them from the library. This thing is really disappointing.