Disco Pigs
Disco Pigs
R | 05 October 2001 (USA)
Disco Pigs Trailers

Pig and Runt born on the same day, in the same hospital, moments apart. Twins, all but by bloodline. Inseparable from birth, they are almost telepathic. They are one, needing no one else, inhabiting a delicate, insular and dangerous world where they make their own rules and have their own language. But days before their 17th birthday the balance of their world begins to shift. Pig's sexual awakening and jealousy begins to threaten their private universe.

RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
mistoppi Mostly this movie made me really uncomfortable. It's mostly the story and the weird relationship between Pig and Runt, and especially Pig as a character made me super uncomfortable with his inappropriate behaviour. He's the exact kind of person I wouldn't want to meet anywhere even briefly, because I'd have to be scared he's going to do something erratic. I've mostly seen Cillian Murphy in really creepy roles like in Red Eye and Batman Begins, and this one is no different. From the very beginning it's like oh no, It's Cillian Murphy and he's going to do something awful again.There's just something about their relationship that makes me want to tell Runt to run away. And at the same time I see comments about them, like some people don't just want Runt to be safe from Pig, which seems so weird to me. There's a lot of beautiful imagery in this movie, a lot of beautiful themes. It's very artsy but I just can't help but feel uncomfortable all through the movie. I can't appreciate all the beauty in it because I just can't stand Pig. Another thing that bothers me is the way they talk. No, not the Irish accent but sometimes the dialogue seems creepily childish. But I can see it's a great movie. It's well written, it's artistic and magical, it has great cast. I just don't like it on personal level.
slovak_orchids_italian_r Where do I begin? Disco Pigs is very typical to many Irish films-especially art films-meaning it is raw. I thought this movie was the most amazing Film I have ever seen in my life- Casting wise-Cillian Murphy is my most favourite actor and for very good reason, Pig is not an easy character to become because he is obsessive, dangerous, and still has the innocence of a child-the language and world Pig and Runt invent is poetic with twisted little games that they invent- You could think of this movie being "a more twisted version of romeo and juliet"- so these two soul mates were born only minuets apart, ignoring the world around them they vowed to always keep things the way they were, only them two, Sinead and Darren, Runt and Pig, King and Queen. Them staying in this world only made for them two-all changed days before their 17th birthday-Pig's eyes are being opened on seeing Runt in more of a romantic way-but his obsessiveness gets the best of him-ending in the most heartbreaking sacrifices i have ever seen.
cheripeppa231 After seeing Cillian Murphy's excellent performances in several movies (Red Eye, Batman Begins, Girl With A Pearl Earring) I began to search for other movies, particularly ones that he plays a large role in. Disco Pigs was exactly the kind of movie I was looking for. The directing was excellent, along with the acting. Elaine Cassidy did a wonderful job portraying Runt. Never, at any point in the movie, did I lose attention or criticize the actors. The plot was brilliant and extremely creative. I mean, who ever thought of two people with a relationship bordering between intense sister-brother, and dangerous, obsessive love? From beginning to end, I remained entertained and interested. In short, Disco Pigs was great and I recommend seeing it.
h-holstine I have on tape or on DVD, almost every full-length Irish film ever made that is available to purchase, and some were not very good, but this one is by far the worst. The only one that comes close is The Butcher Boy, or I have to add this clunker - Ordinary Decent Criminal, the Kevin Spacey rip off of The General.The sad part is that it could have been a very good, if not brilliant film! It's all in the screenplay. The writer could have changed a few major parts to make it more realistic and heart-warming, and what most movie goers want to see.One of the reviewers wrote that it should receive wider distribution. It never made it to the States, and for good reason! The same reason Ordinary Decent Criminal didn't make it - they weren't good enough! I agree with Jack from Cork, whose review said it like it is - and he should know, coming from Cork! My wife is from Ireland, and even she had a hard time trying to figure out what was said. Some of the language between Pig and Runt was something that only they would understand. We could only guess.We saw this on Netflix, so it didn't cost anything to see, and THAT'S what it is worth!