Courage Under Fire
Courage Under Fire
R | 04 July 1996 (USA)
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A US Army officer, who made a "friendly fire" mistake that was covered up, has been reassigned to a desk job. He is tasked to investigate a female chopper commander's worthiness to be awarded the Medal of Honor. At first all seems in order. But then he begins to notice inconsistencies between the testimonies of the witnesses...

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Alaa Alawneh So the Americans will not just occupy your country and kill your people and take your oil and destroying your city's no they will also make films showing how much their soldiers have suffered for that!
johnny-burgundy Courage Under Fire (1996) This is a war film about an Army officer, plagued about a deadly mistake he made, who investigates a female soldier's worthiness for the Medal of Honor. It stars Denzel Washington and Meg Ryan. The film received mostly positive reviews and earned a generally favorable response. The investigation turns up some disparities that requires our lead character to not only question the female soldier's worthiness, but also his own. It examines the truth the public gets vs. the actual truth. This is a quality film that allows its audience, not only to figure out what really took place, but also whether or not it should come out at all.
Python Hyena Courage Under Fire (1996): Dir: Edward Zwick / Cast: Denzel Washington, Meg Ryan, Scott Glenn, Lou Diamond Phillips, Matt Damon: War drama about being under pressure as the truth bears down. Set during the Gulf War and starring Denzel Washington who gives orders to fire upon a tank only to discover to his utter horror that it was American. Unable to forgive himself he seeks refuge through alcohol. He is eventually given an assignment to investigate the metal of honor that is to be given to the daughter of a female helicopter pilot who died in battle. Director Edward Zwick tenses the situation through flashbacks. He previous made such films as Glory and Legends of the Fall. Washington is well cast as a man hindered by guilt yet through this investigation he may find forgiveness and peace. Meg Ryan plays the female pilot unlike her normal romantic roles. We know that she dies in battle but does she earn the metal? Lou Diamond Phillips delivers a tense performance as a squadron who was on edge with Ryan and is driven further over the edge when questioning begins. Scott Glenn is cardboard as Washington's adviser. This is an early film for Matt Damon who will go on the following year to heavy acclaim. While the film is well crafted, viewers may be divided due to separate genres but theme regards living with someone's death. Score: 7 ½ / 10
floyd beck Sorry, but I cannot stomach a movie that is pro-military when Meg Ryan, a devout Democrat and worshiper of John Kerry, the war-hater and devout liar, and Denzel Washington, a worshiper of President Obama and a devout Democrat who is said to be a devout Christian. One cannot be 2011, the Democrats voted NO to have God inserted in their convention, in spite of the chairman's blatant lie; just one of 100 reasons.So, after my ranting, what about the movie? It is too hard to believe any of it because the actors are not sincere in true life. It would be like having an openly gay person portray Rudolph Valentino unless the movie was a comedy. Courage Under Fire does not pass as a comedy unless one forces one's mind to the point of insanity to see liberal war-hating actors and actresses pretend to be pro-military.