Ed and His Dead Mother
Ed and His Dead Mother
PG-13 | 04 June 1993 (USA)
Ed and His Dead Mother Trailers

A mourning son makes a deal to reanimate his one year dead mother, however things turn into an unexpected direction.

Maidgethma Wonderfully offbeat film!
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Hulkeasexo it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
SnoopyStyle Momma's boy Ed Chilton (Steve Buscemi) has been mourning his dead mother (Miriam Margolyes) for a year. He lives with his maternal uncle Benny (Ned Beatty) and inherited her hardware store. A. J. Pattle (John Glover) from "Happy People Ltd." offers to resurrect his mother for $1000. Pattle finds the body in pieces after organ donations and the price is raised to $2500. His mother returns but she becomes more and more odd. Benny is a peeping Tom who spies on hot neighbor Storm Reynolds but she's interested in the weird Ed. Rob Sundheimer returns into their lives. He was put in prison for stealing from Ed's mother but has been released early.I like the concept. It has good potential for a black comedy especially with Steve Buscemi at the lead. However the script from Chuck Hughes has no snap and the directions from Jonathan Wacks has no style. The promise is never fulfilled.
Woodyanders Shy and awkward sadsack mama's boy hardware store owner Ed Chilton (an excellent and engaging performance by Steve Buscemi in an early lead role) can't get over the death of his beloved mother Mabel (a fine and vibrant portrayal by Miriam Margolyes). Slick traveling salesman A.J. Pattle (wonderfully played with tremendous zest by John Glover) convinces Ed to bring his mom back from the dead. However, dear old mom isn't exactly herself anymore. Director Jonathan Wacks, working from a novel and witty script by Chuck Hughes, relates the offbeat and entertaining story at a steady pace, ably crafts and maintains a charming idiosyncratic tone throughout, and milks plenty of major laughs from inspired sense of often hilarious and always eccentric gallows humor. Moreover, what makes this picture so special and appealing is the casual and offhanded, yet still winning and creative way it does something fresh, funny, and even touching with its decidedly anything but standard and generic zombie premise. The ace acting by the tip-top cast helps a whole lot: Ned Beatty as ne'er do well peeping tom Uncle Benny, the luscious Sam Jenkins as sultry and enticing new neighbor Storm Reynolds, Gary Farmer as Ed's jolly pal Big Lar, and Jon Gries as no-count hoodlum Rob Sundheimer. Popping up in nifty small roles are veteran character actors Eric Christmas as defense attorney Mr. Abner and Rance Howard as folksy cuckolded priest Rev. Praxton. Francis Kenny's sharp cinematography provides a pleasing polished look. Mason Daring's quirky score hits the flaky sport. A refreshingly different and irreverent treat.
MartinHafer Rarely on IMDb do you see such divergent reviews--lots of HATED ITs and LOVED ITs but not so many scores in between. I think this is because to love it, you MUST be the sort of person that can appreciate sick, over-the-top comedy--like I do! This is similar to the movie EATING RAOUL, but it seems to be better written and acted.The film begins with Ed limping through life well after the death of his beloved mother. He's obviously in a funk and can't seem to get her early death out of his mind. Then, completely out of the blue, a guy dressed in a white suit walks into Ed's hardware store and offers to bring Ed's mom back from the dead! All this only in the first few minutes of the movie! Yes, it does have some mildly gross moments (though most is described, not shown) and some VERY kooky moments (such as the newly revived Mom chasing dogs and cats up and down the street with a riding mower after she gets a taste for BLOOD). Not everyone's cup of tea, to be sure, but if you like 'em wild and irreverent and off-color, you MUST give this movie a try--if you can find it! This was not released to the theaters (wimps!) and is hard to find on tape--you'll probably need to order it, like I did.One reviewer compared this movie, unfavorably, to DEAD ALIVE. I saw both films and thought ED AND HIS DEAD MOTHER was a much funnier and less disgusting film. I also didn't think the plot was stolen, though there are a few similarities, I grant you. DEAD ALIVE is more like an EVIL DEAD/NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD film (complete with ALL the gore) while ED AND HIS DEAD MOTHER has almost no gore and is more funny to me (though I am sure opinions will vary).UPDATE: This film has been shown a lot on Showtime recently, so if you have the channel keep an eye out for it.
osfania If you don't understand or love this movie, maybe you should ask your relatives to reanimate you - you could be dead! And didn't you love the job that Gary Farmer did as the harware store clerk??? He continues to be the best actor in almost every film he is in. Wonder what "Fargo" would have been like if he were Buscemi's accomplice?