Max Dugan Returns
Max Dugan Returns
PG | 25 March 1983 (USA)
Max Dugan Returns Trailers

An English teacher and struggling single mother has her life disrupted when the father who abandoned her as a child comes back into her life.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
ijonesiii MAX DUGAN RETURNS is a lightweight comedy from Neil Simon about a widowed schoolteacher (Marsha Mason) with a young son (Matthew Broderick, in his film debut), struggling to make ends meet, who one night is reunited with her estranged father (Jason Robards), who shows up on her doorstep wanting to make up for lost time with $687,000.00 in tow. Mason is reluctant to get involved with Dad because the money is not really his but when she learns that he is dying, she softens and decides to grant his dying spend some of his final time on earth with his grandson. Throw into the mix a police detective (Donald Sutherland) who, upon finding out who Max is, is definitely torn between getting his man and or getting the girl. This comedy charms from start to finish with a lot of classic Neil Simon one-liners and Robards turns in one of his most charming performances as Max Dugan. Yes, there are plot points that are left dangling and you just have to accept that, but if you can, MAX DUGAN RETURNS is a delightful and diverting comedy that will grown on you with multiple viewings.
steve-brink Despite having Charlie Lau helping Mathew Broderick's character in his hitting, the high school baseball scenes were completely unrealistic and look like a bad Pony League game. I cannot see a high school coach treat a varsity level game in this manner. Make the umpires look like real umpires, too.Another thing, high school baseball is only seven innings and they are playing in the ninth inning. Come on, a little research here. A simple detail like this really ruins movies with sporting scenes that are filled with these kinds of errors.Being involved with sports, some mistakes like this type of thing can lose any credibility. Movies need to make sporting events to look realistic, especially down to the officials. I see too often referees and umpires in out-of-date uniforms (I mean vintage 1940s) and doing things most trained officials would never do.
younme Max Dugan returns was a funny and interesting story written by Neil Simon. I read another play by Neil Simon,"The Good Doctor" I saw Neil Simon story in Collins Hill High School. In our class we read "The Good Doctor" and watched "Max Dugan Returns." "Max Dugan Returns" came out in 1983. It's really an old movie, but it was funny and fantastic. A lot of people in our class like this movie because this was first time we watched a movie in this class. Neil Simon is a good writer,but some of his story is not so funny. Also some of his writing is boring too. Max Dugan was played by Jason Robards. His performance in this movie was great and he make the story more funny. Marsha Mason was the mother in this film. I think Her acting part was the hardest in this story because she has to act as a mother, teacher, and a daughter. I think her performance was the best out of everybody. Donald Sutherland was the policeman. He tried his best in his part. But he didn't make the "Max Dugan Return." story funny. Matthew Broderick was the teenager,also Max Dugan's grand son and Nora Mcphee's son. In this story he really likes to play baseball and he was 15 years old. He makes this story funny and interesting too.If I give this film a score. I'll give a score ten out of ten because it's an old movie still it was funny and fantastic. I really liked this movie and if there was another movie by Neil Simon, I'll watch his film. "Max Dugan Returns" is great movie!
chotathug I am about to tell you all about the movie that we saw in my ESOL class,"Max Dugan Returns". Since I haven't seen the whole movie I will tell you about half what happened in the movie. The negative thing in the movie, was they used some bad words. The positive thing that I learn from this movie was always do the right things, do not hurt anyone in any kind of ways. Neil Simon is trying to say be with your family; dont ever stop caring about your family. Always take care of them no matter how much it will cost because it is mom and dad who gave birth to you. If you leave them or stop caring about them they will regret why they gave birth to you. Jason Robards did a real good job as Max Dugan. He did not mess up, he had confidence in himself. He would not take no for an answer and he really cared about his family. Marsha Mason did real good job in acting also, because she had confidence in herself. She did a nice job as a mother and she did a fine job as a daughter. The policeman thought there was something wrong or there was something going on with his girlfriend Nora MCPhee. How did she get a brand new car, and $5000 in cash in her purse? So he started getting worried. Then he wondered if Nora's dad gave her the money. Mathew Broderick palyed a role in this movie as Nora McPhee's son Michael McPhee. He was just like the other kids played sports and do what others did. He did not know about his grandfather. His mom did not tell him but he was worried about his mom too that where is she getting all the mony and all the new stuff from. I give this film a 10 because i really liked this film especially because they had baseball stuff in the film. Baseball is my favriote sport. I really enjoyed this movie for it was very fun and it was funny too. I liked everything about the movie for it was a really nice movie I hope to watch it again.