R | 08 January 1993 (USA)
Leprechaun Trailers

A demonic leprechaun terrorizes a group of young people whom he believes stole his gold.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
simonthenixon This is the type of movie you can't take too seriously. Just go in ready to laugh and you will. If you try and judge it by the same standards of Citizen Kane or something it's not gonna be very good, but if you just let yourself enjoy it you will.
Eric Stevenson This marks the beginning of one of the worst film series ever made. Both this website and RottenTomatoes have these installments as some of the worst movie series of all time and it's not hard to see why. It's really amazing how powerful this leprechaun is. When looking at slasher movie villains, I'm not kidding, this guy has killed more people than any other villain who talks! Yeah, even more than Freddy Krueger! His total count is 45 and Freddy's is 42! I guess the reason the character isn't more popular is because of how stupid he is. This movie is also Jennifer Aniston's film debut.Yeah, I doubt she looks back at this role in pride. The only reason I didn't give this less than a 3/10 is because it did make me laugh with how utterly stupid it was. Also, from what I've heard it's at least not as bad as the many sequels, which I'll unfortunately get to eventually. This movie features a mass murderer leprechaun who wants all his gold coins. That's really all you need to know. Even being melted at the end doesn't kill him off! Well, his closing narration assures us that he'll unfortunately be back. This leprechaun can literally teleport, reform, mimic other voices and flip a car over. He's that powerful! *1/2
musukogoji A strangely common misconception with people is that this movie was supposed to be scary. Seriously? You actually think that a movie about a killer leprechaun was meant to scare you. Unfortunately, that is what so many people think. Those people apparently have never heard the term "horror comedy" or "cult classic". So, here's some full closure. No, this movie isn't meant to scare you. It's meant to amuse you. And it fulfills it's purpose beautifully.So, the story begins with a man returning to America from Ireland, where he tells his wife that he stole a pot of gold from a leprechaun. She, of course, doesn't believe him. However, moments later, the Leprechaun, played by Warwick Davis, shows up at the home and tries to steal his gold back. But the man outwits him and traps him in a crate.10 years later, a woman, played by Jennifer Aniston, and her father move into the same house, now abandoned, and hire "3 Guys That Paint" to work on it. But when one of the painters accidentally sets the Leprechaun free, all hell breaks loose. The Leprechaun's motivation is plain and simple: he wants his gold, and he'll kill anyone to get to it. The reason so many people love this movie is because the characters take their situation so seriously even though their dealing with something as silly as a killer leprechaun. It's the perfect recipe for a funny, gory, and one hell of a good time.Leprechaun was followed by several sequels. By the third one, he was in Las Vegas, then in space, in the hood, back to the hood, and by 2014, WWE studios had removed Warwick Davis, along with all the wit and charm he had with him in the butchered reboot, Leprechaun: Origins.So, in short, (no pun intended) this movie is as charming as they come and I would recommend it to any fan of horror.
Wuchak Released in 1993, "Leprechaun" is a low-budget horror/comedy about a father and daughter (John Sanderford & Jennifer Aniston) who move to a small, old house in North Dakota where they and some painters (Ken Olandt, Mark Holton & Robert Hy Gorman) encounter a devilish little leprechaun obsessed with his pot of gold coins (Warwick Davis).I've only seen the first four Leprechaun movies and this is easily the least of 'em. While the cast, locations and leprechaun are good there's only enough material here for half the movie's runtime, like maybe 45 minutes. The second half goes on and on with the leprechaun's zany antics and attacks on the cast. Being low-budget, the location is limited to the ranch house and a couple of visits into town, such as the hospital and diner. It just gets monotonous and there's simply not enough to keep the viewer's interest. The next three movies make up for this by changing the location and upping the ante with the entertainment on all fronts. "Leprechaun" is worth seeing, particularly to catch a glimpse of young Jennifer in her first theatrical movie, but it's humdrum after the first 40-45 minutes and nothing exceptional up to that point. The film runs 92 minutes and was shot in Saugus, California, near Santa Clarita.GRADE: C-