The Alien Dead
The Alien Dead
R | 01 June 1980 (USA)
The Alien Dead Trailers

A meteor strikes a houseboat in the swamps near a southern town populated by Yankees with fake accents. The people on the houseboat become zombies who feed on the alligators in the swamp. Once they run out of alligators, they start going for the citizens. A local scientist tries to figure out what's happening to people once they start disappearing.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
deshan-78580 WARNING: This review may contain some spoilers, so be careful a little bit.The Alien Dead is without a doubt one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life, this movie really goes to show you that Fred Olen Ray isn't that great of a director. Where to begin with this crap-hole, this movie is about a so-called zombie invasion obviously killing people, but this time in a small redneck town. This crap-hole has some of the worst acting I've ever seen in a long time, the non- existent special effects top with god-awful blood effects, the horrible music, pretty much this movie screams "trash" in all levels. Did I forgot to tell you that this movie has some of the worst endings of all time? Yeah, overall The Alien Dead is without a doubt the most godawful pointless boring movie I've ever seen in my entire life, I honestly dare you to find me a movie that's worse than The Alien Dead. Wish I can rate this movie a 0 but unfortunately until that option is available, a 1 out of 10 will have to do from now.
MonsterVision99 Fred Olan Ray brings us The Alien Dead, a zombie film that, despite its title, has little to do with aliens. Fred is good at making cheesy movies like these since at least they aren't completely trashy, there are some OK elements in the film, but overall its really just a z-movie.The film opens up on both a narration and a prologue, the narration its pretty useless since there isn't a consistent narrator in the film, the narrator its only in the film at the beginning, making it useless, not only that, but its also one of the few decent scenes in the film, after that there's a prologue, which isn't as good as the narration scene but it at least has something to do with the film, you choose between a narrator or a story that unfolds, not both, Fred. After that the film goes down hill, in pure z-grade fashion.The zombies in the film are people with make up on them making them look really bad, but if you like z-grade films you may like it, even laugh at it, some of the gore effects are decently done, but they are ruined because of the awkward editing and music in the "horror" scenes, there is no sound on those scenes, just weird music, which its very bizarre, but not rare for this kind of film. Some of the music on the film isn't really that bad, it may be a decent score.What you get from this movie its exactly what you would get from a z-grade zombie film, hooky acting, trashy effects, trashy writing, trashy directing, its trash, but it may be fun trash if you are willing to accept it.
frezericks if you like crappy zombie movies like "zombie lake" or "zombie death house" or "revenge of the dead" then you're an idiot because those movies suck. this movie is one of those movies, but much much better. there's a good amount off zombies and gore, and it doesn't stay boring for very long. oh, and there's nudity. which is always good. now i'm not saying this movie is on par with "dawn of the dead" or "zombi 2" or any zombie movies of that caliber, but it's a fun watch and good if you love zombies. so if you want a crappy zombie movie with lots of gore and some boobies, don't get "zombie lake" or the other movies i mentioned at the top, get this one. worth the watch.
spasmo dunson I saw this in Sun Coast, billed as the 25th Anniversary Edition. I saw Buster Crabbe's name and thought, "How bad can it be?". It is hilariously bad. My buddy who is a cono...conisue...knows a lot about zombie movies laughed just when it was supposed to be "serious". Good grade Z stuff. I sent Fred Olen Ray a thank you email. The DVD is worth it for the picture of Miss Kim in the website space in the special features. The guy that plays the idiotic deputy said in the interview(!) that he ended up with 300k. Not too shabby considering this movie only cost 12k. The chick on the cover looks kind of like Linda Blair from The Exorcist. Some nice looking babes in this, with some half decent t&a. Good for fans of low grade horror and I know you are out there.
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