Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie
Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie
PG-13 | 10 January 2003 (USA)
Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie Trailers

The comedic stylings of four sort-of famous funnymen are brought to the big screen courtesy of this 2002 documentary.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Terryfan Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie is a movie/documentary that features Jeff Foxworthy,Bill Engvall, Ron White and Larry The Cable Guy.The movie I remember ordering it first on Pay per view then later on getting it on DVD.I knew about Jeff Foxworthy for a long time and this movie introduce me to Ron White and Bill Engvall. Larry The Cable Guy is a comedian I don't care for. Each comedian takes turns telling their jokes some of their famous ones some they created for the tour and there are going to be sure creative ones that you will be laughing until your sides hurt. Also the film features what the guys do while they're not on stage so that's why we get some documentary feel to the film which is not something you see all the time.Now the ones I like best on this film were Jeff, Bill and Ron, Larry jokes can be too much that make you think how in the world this guy even got a job telling jokes. Ron White really does a great job with making the crowd laugh and I was rolling with laughter, Bill did a impressive job with his jokes for this film and Jeff did some good ones well that we never got to hear before. We got to hear so many jokes that it's better if you watch the film for yourself to get a joy out of it.I give Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie an 8 out of 10
rdwright I am not a yuppie, country club golfer, or business tycoon. I have been called a redneck among other things, and I went to Agriculture school and am employed as a salesman for a livestock equipment company. I say all that to say this- I am a blue collar North Carolina country boy, and I think this movie just doesn't cut it.RON WHITE- Perhaps the funniest of the comedians featured here (believe me, there's more on the unfunny ones later), Ron White's material deals with small town life in a different way than Foxworthy/Engvall/LTCG. His comedy is more cerebral than the others, so I'm sure that fans of the other 3 won't find White as funny.BILL ENGVALL- Bill Engvall's shtick has worn thin by now. The "Here's Your Sign" bit died in 1996, but don't tell that to Bill. Watching this film, I get the feeling that Bill Engvall thinks he is funnier than he really is. If you can make it through Bill Engvall, here's to ya.LARRY THE CABLE GUY- Larry the Cable Guy I just don't get. His voice is an obvious caricature of the dumb redneck at the gas station and I admit that the first time I saw this movie, I actually thought he was kind of funny, but the more I see his act and hear his voice, the more it grates on my nerves. He has a knack for making up "madder than", "happier than", "meaner than" type quips that some audiences have howled at, but I just scratch my head. The material in this movie isn't so bad and it's not totally unfunny, but if you get a chance (and God help you if you consciously do so) to see Git-R-Done, which is LTCG's full routine, you will see some of the worst comedy ever recorded. And yet, the audiences roar and Larry is hotter than a rocket. Go figureJEFF FOXWORTHY- Foxworthy is now a guilty pleasure. The "You Might Be A Redneck" routine has worn VERY thin by now, and you can even see apprehension on Foxworthy's part when he is going through this bit later in his act. I think it has pigeon holed him as the redneck comic. His stand-up is better than Engvall & LTCG, but the whole bit is nothing new. The guilty pleasure part of all of this is that I can't turn away from Jeff Foxworthy. When he's on the radio, I can't help but listen to the same routines that I've heard a thousand times before. Maybe that is the appeal of Blue Collar comedy.Ironically, I think people who get the biggest kicks out of this aren't rednecks at all. I watched this on Comedy Central with 2 guys- one from Maine, one from New Hampshire- and they laughed like this was the funniest thing they had seen.The beautiful thing about comedy is that it knows no bounds and is broad enough to appeal to every human being on earth. I prefer a Brian Regan or Dennis Miller, while some prefer Chris Rock, David Brenner, or Bob Hope. There is no one alive who doesn't like to laugh and the bottom line is that this is a love-it or hate-it film based on what makes you laugh; there are no gray areas here.
Poe-17 I know this comedy show taped in Phoenix offends some people and others just don't get the southern humor. But if anything can cross lines, this video will.I'm at a loss to explain those who want to march on comedians, movies or any other creative endeavor that violates some politically correct niche the would be marchers inhabit. It's like Jay Leno making a frog comment and the letters pile in from some society dedicated to the prevention of amphibious slander.One commenter made notes of "prejudices" that had me laughing nearly as much as I laughed at the video. The rampant prejudice in their comedy is aimed not at any stereotype other than themselves; rednecks! Anyone believing these four men are the characters on stage is trapped inside television. This ain't real folks. They're playing parts like any actor.For profiling advice, see Ron White.Speaking of Ron, all these guys are hilarious. Yes, some of their material has been around long enough many have heard the routines, but they are funny and they are a comfortable ensemble. Larry the Cable Guy seems to be a "I wish I hadn't laughed at that crudity but I did" favorite, but I'm telling you Ron White is comedic genius.His pacing and timing is perfect, his delivery of the kind that one is born with, not learned. You can turn off the sound and he is still funny. He reminds me of Dean Martin's presence (not because of the cigarette and Manhattan) but because he has a subliminal connect with the audience. He comes out, he grins and they're all buddies before the first word comes out of his mouth.These guys, as a group and as individuals, are not stupid. You don't get to where they are by being idiots, only by portraying them. They know what they are doing.This video is about laughing, about laughing really hard because they talk about things that have happened to us, things we have felt. Life is sweet, life is beautiful, life can be ugly and hard, and, often, life, real life, is hilarious. And all those traits aren't isolate, they mix and mingle and complicate.This crew just reminds us of that.
GorgeousBitch I loved this movie! It was so hilarious. The jokes were not offensive in my opinion. They just come from a southerner's point of view. I have seen other comedy shows that are far more offensive and crude than this one. I've been a fan of Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Envall for a long time, but Larry the Cable Guy stole the show.