NC-17 | 01 July 2007 (USA)
Frontier(s) Trailers

A gang of young thieves flee Paris during the violent aftermath of a political election, only to hole up at an Inn run by neo-Nazis.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
redrobin62-321-207311 You know, I don't blame the lead actress for her wide-eyed, over acting, over screaming performance. It's likely that that's what the director wanted, and boy, did she deliver the hamminess in spades! When she was finished screaming, she screamed some more. And when she was finished doing that, she screamed some more. Then, just when you though she'd ran out of screams, she screams some more.I did like the frantic editing work. I do appreciate the labor that went into it. I also thought the story was interesting - a Nazi cannibal movie. Was that the first? Anyway, Nazis or not, it was almost a note for note duplicate of similar inbred hillbilly horror flicks. At least this one wasn't afraid to deliver the gore. Now, if they could've just done away with that ridiculous hamminess...
Stephen Mckimmie If you're a fan of over the top blood,gore and violence,then Frontier(s) is most definitely the film for you. I was hesitant before I watched this,mainly because of the reviews I had seen prior to watching the film.But,I had to take all of that out of my head,and watch this film going in with an open mind.I have to admit,though the film was not an absolute masterpiece,I was pleasantly surprised. The film itself was decent.The story wasn't exactly strong,and was not exactly original.You literally know after 20 minutes of the film what is going to happen.It is far too predictable,but it is still an entertaining watch! The problem is,this film has too many elements of other well known horror films,that most horror fans will have seen and will notice these similarities.I would say this film is like a French version of a mix between The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,Saw 2,Hostel and The Hills Have Eyes,maybe. Due to the fact it is basically about a group of young Europeans,that go to a hostel,which is occupied by some f*cked up cannibalistic Neo-Nazi family,which they hunt down in a maze and torture and kill them,but the main character of the film escapes in the end.Basically the same old,same old. It's a good film,very entertaining.I would recommend renting/streaming this,but don't waste money on buying this on DVD.
Spyan I don't think this movie is worth reviewing but I wish the note on IMDb was lower (in no way is this worth 6.3), so here goes my two bits; As many of the negative reviews point out, there is not a single idea in this film that I haven't seen in better movies. The "plot" is a carbon copy of TCSM, used as an excuse to paste scenes ripped off from here and there. Pros : the settings are not too bad, but the film is structured like a (terrible) video game, the environments keep changing so you never get to delve into/care about them. Half of the time they are ruined by very poor lighting anyway. SOME of the actors were OK (talking about the 3 main bad guys), but they were overdoing it in every single scene (+the dialog was ridiculous, it sounded fake, rehashed and written by an 18 year old). LeBihan almost looks embarrassed in some scenes, seeming like he's wondering what the hell he's doing here. Cons : the plot was a mess, and boringly predictable from beginning to end. The editing (especially during the action scene) was obscure and random. Not a single cast member (apart from the aforementioned 3) could act. To an annoying extent. Most of them, especially the protagonists, rake on your nerves by constantly trying too hard. For 1 hour and 40 long, loooong minutes. Exhausting. The director was clearly aiming for "gritty realism" but the numerous flaws and inconsistencies of this film and it's general immature feel keep pulling you out of the movie. During the final scenes (which are ludicrous), it seems like the whole cast just gives up in a big "hell, why not" and then stupidly shoot at furniture for 5 minutes. That's what I call an FX budget well spent, exploding onions and plates are so interesting to look at. And don't even get me started on the spastic antics and retarded overacting from the lead during the last final half hour.Add a mindless idiotic "social/politic subtext" implied in a total of three minutes in the whole film you get a and you get a piece of amateurish crap that takes itself way too seriously.A bland, by the numbers, done-a-thousand-times cringe fest that lacks talent and ideas overall.
Michael Blackpaw I'm a big fan of horror films, and I can safely say that this film only comes across as mediocre in it's genre. But, having spent a mere £1 on the film, which was given to Cancer Research UK, I've got no complaints, and I'm sure the money will be going to good use.The film opens with an interesting back story about riots caused by recent political issues. This is actually quite thoughtful, and could have been very interesting to explore, and could have made the film very thought provoking. But no, the director decided to use that as nothing but a story to get the film started, and isn't actually referred to much, if at all, after the opening of the film.So now that we've already lost out on the interesting story, what have we got to salvage? Thieves that got caught up in the riots, trying to escape, and finding free accommodation. Now it's turned into the French version of "Hostel", it's not going to get any better. Especially when they introduce the people the main characters will have to run from: cannibalistic Neo-Nazis and cannibalistic Neo-Nazi prostitutes. From then on, the story turned from interesting to truly surreal, and not in a good way.Gore was clearly a point they aimed to put first, yet, despite the rather grim cover, there wasn't as much gore as one might think. The scenes that were violent, were hard to watch at times, but very few of these scenes actually turned up. This is good in a way, because it means that while the film definitely belongs in the torture porn genre, it still builds some sense of tension, which is always a good thing in a horror film.The tipping point for me that truly spoilt the film was the section in which one of the characters acquires a gun, and begins having firefights with the cannibalistic Neo-Nazi prostitutes. This is living proof that one should never attempt to shift from one genre to another, because it will kill the tone that has been painstakingly built up by the film. Horror is good, and works, and would have worked for the ending of the film. Going from horror to action is pathetic, and, if anything, doesn't go at all, and completely destroys any good views of the film.However, despite my slating of the film, it is the sort of film one could watch easily as a bit of evening entertainment. The acting is solid, and shows that the actors themselves have some ability in spite of the pathetic story. One should also bear in mind that the lines in the film were quite well written: it was the plot that needed an overhaul.