The Lost Tribe
The Lost Tribe
R | 07 November 2009 (USA)
The Lost Tribe Trailers

After a devastating boat crash, a group of friends are stranded on an uncharted island where they encounter an ancient tribe of humanoid creatures.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Kyla Everton This movie had so many problems. The cast is very unlikable, and the acting is hardly passable. There are even obvious things taken directly from the movie Predator. There is a scene in which someone is intensely looking into the jungle while another behind them whispers "over there" which was lifted directly from Predator. Not to mention the creatures see body heat and while they try and be original and tell us juice from what look to be grapes hide you from the creatures vision, you can clearly see the character covered in mud. At this point I was waiting for the main character to start yelling "kill me i'm here, kill me!" You are not missing anything by passing this movie up. That is coming from a girl that lives for monster movies.
doyourpep Where do you begin with this movie! The movie starts with an almost entirely unrelated and totally unexplained subplot. This subplot boils down to a group of scientist found the missing link in the Caribbean, not Africa or Asia where the earliest hominids have been found. That's not at all though! The church finds out that the missing link is found and sends in an assassin (Bishop from Alien). All of this has almost nothing to do with the movie though!The real plot begins and were introduced to five forgettable individuals. After some poor character development and attempted tension between the characters the creatures are introduced. Naturally, when the survivors' "leader" goes missing the four remaining survivors split-up because it ensures the highest chance of survival. Two people return to the beach or attempt to, but are chased and then are forgotten for the next 40 minutes. Meanwhile the two who continue searching are ambushed by Bishop. He kills some fat guy and then chases the main girl before being killed by a creature. With the creatures hot on her tail she discovers the creature have a weakness. Their infrared vision is blocked by grape juice! This is where the movie just falls apart. The main character infiltrates the creature village and searches for her boyfriend. The fate of her two friends is learned, shocker they're dead. Anyway she finds her boyfriend who has had his spine removed but is living and moving rather well for lacking a spinal cord. She smothers him to death with kisses and flees the village, creatures in hot pursuit. She has a final standoff with the creatures where we discover their bodies are the evil gorillas from Congo and their faces are from Predator, it was totally original though. She kills the alpha male and the creatures just walk off she happily leaves her Caribbean vacation and sails for home. One thing that annoyed me about this movie they make a point of pointing out the large cranial capacity of the creatures which split from modern humans when they developed. That was 200,000 years ago, sure it took us awhile but we mastered the planet in that time and flew into the stars. These creatures who are supposed to be the closest living relatives to humans haven't even developed clothing.
guitarmahn-356-97473 This movie has poor science and that is easily fixed by simply writing around it, which they don't. If a missing link human species hunted as good as these monsters we would have been out hunted. Its simply a showcase for there special effects with Planet of The Apes jumps mixed with a constant 'homage' to the Predator movie. Still it could have been worse yet with a little more creativity it could have been better. For one don't try to pitch these things as ancient humans, perhaps a mystery could have unfolded to reveal they were inbred aliens I don't know but this looks like a film crew testing their chops and writing a movie around that. They also test CGI with some odd sailboat shots so its a test, not a actual movie. Some gripe they don't look like the cover in this movie, well if its the cover I'm looking at that is a skull, and yes tribes can wear a skull of any creature so that is a mute point, as I assumed it to be a skull of an animal worn like a ritual hat.
True Metal First off, with the exception of a few goofs, this movie is actually made very well. Camera work is excellent, the settings are great, sound is original. And the acting is far better than the rest of the reviewers are giving credit for. There are movies with higher ratings with worse acting.That being said, now I can inform you that the script is total crap. They obviously had no money left for a script writer. It is a blatant rip-off of Predator (as well as some other films).-The creatures are tribal.-They use the trees to get around.-Shot of a python in a tree? Check!.-One character startles another with deep whispered "Over Here!"-When we are shown what creatures see, we hear heartbeats and the vision is a chroma warp black and white version of the Predator's vision.-Instead of mud, grape juice smeared on you will keep from being seen by the creatures.-The leader unmask himself for the final battle. (I was expecting her to say "You're one ugly mofo.")-In the climax of the battle, she gets picked up by the neck and they gleam each other eye to eye.This movie also steals ideas from "Lost" and "The Descent". The creatures faces were stolen from Brahm Stoker's Dracula (Francis Ford Coppola) and jump around like "Planet Of The Apes" .On top of all this, the subtle motive for the human antagonist is a plot by the Christian agenda to cover up evolution. This is completely unnecessary and would have only worked 20 years ago before evolution was a proved fact. When you make a science fiction movie that includes future events as the catalyst, it's probably best to do your homework and make sure those events are still science "fiction".