R | 11 June 2007 (USA)
Believers Trailers

Two paramedics responding to an emergency call find themselves kidnapped by a religious sect whose great obsession is to stop the end of the world by committing suicide and killing people.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Len9876 The problem with any belief (an abstract), dependent on faith (an abstract), is that no concrete evidence is provided. Choosing the belief of any cult, versus one's own belief, is a quandary. An atheist does not believe in any God, whether it be a cult's God or anyone else's concept (an abstract) of God. A concept (which, again, is an abstract) may be confusing or difficult to understand. An agnostic will not accept God, without concrete evidence, but faith-based religious and spiritual systems require an acceptance based on the abstract (such persons believe that their concept of God is rooted in a higher power). God is invisible. Yet, some say that they feel, hear and see God in the nature, the rain and the wind. But, what is the formula? This remains a mystery, in this film, because it is never completely revealed. And, will our world soon end?"Believers" (2007) promotes critical analysis, divergent thinking, introspection, and reflection. Set in a dark, creepy and furtive realm, one can be hypnotized by the bewitching mood and musical score. In Myrick style, this film becomes a masterfully-crafted thriller, effectively supplying anxiety, fear, menace, suspense, and tension. The cult represented, in this film, seems to promote life. Yet, is there life within the shroud of the death scent of Hitler's control and manipulation, his experimentation, coercion, and force? The riveting performance by Daniel Benzali, who plays the Teacher, is at his insidious, evil best. His spellbinding, measured, and haunting tone of voice brilliantly captures the cult's intended mission, fails to reveal--until the end of the film--just how it will carry out. But, the actors and director are faithful to the script, and they do become masters of horror, without most of the blood and all of the gore. The film, beautifully counterbalanced and integrated, seems to show (at least on the surface) pratfalls of blind faith and misdirected trust. All people are born. All people will die. But, what is the eagerness for death, if we never have lived? Because the film asks questions that our finite minds are unable to answer, I rate this film an 8 out of 10. It is entertaining, and the film is good because it makes one infinitely think. The film expands one's horizons beyond earth, heaven, and hell.
elfoyzur The movie definitely did not begin with a bang, which from the title i wasn't expecting. The realistic situation of two paramedics responding to an emergency call sounds like an everyday task, so not giving any indication that this was a sci-fi movie. However once the plot starts to thicken, you tend to want to know more, you begin to wonder why the things which happen, happen, leaving you in a 'dimension' of mystery almost throughout the movie.The ending alone i would say is the backbone of this film, without which i would have most probably prayed to have my 90 minutes back.Given the budget of this movie, it is a watchable late night 'time passer' if you don't have anything better to do. The actors make the story very much believable and the storyline finally get to some sort of climax. There's not really much else to say...
phlsphr42 the entire movie was predictable. the "surprise ending" was a running joke i had as i watched it with my wife. for the most part, the entire movie was a running joke, really. my wife and i moaned and groaned our way through this sub-par plot and pitiful acting. i can't think of a good reason to watch this, unless maybe i had a friend playing a part, but then he/she would never hear the end of it. i do not suggest watching this movie unless you have some time to waste that you will never need back. i'd rather watch "COPS". i now know the value of checking with IMDb as to whether or not a movie is worth watching. i should have just played video games.....
eucalyptus9 I read a couple of reviews of this movie, which rubbished it entirely - dreary, dull, full of plot holes.For example - one reviewer kept harking back to the point - who called the paramedics - how ridiculous was this? But the film makes it clear that the daughter of the dying mother called the medics from the pay phone right next to her, which was later trashed by the garage guy to prevent any further calls being made. The fact that it wasn't spelled out in words of one syllable might have made it all too subtle for the reviewer (this was rottentomatoes, after all).Another one - everyone knew where the paramedics had gone, so why didn't they chase them up when they went missing? But the movie shows that they did - cops, and the paramedic chief (who gets bashed over the head for his trouble).Yet another - how could a cult like this survive without the authorities being interested? Isn't that exactly what happened at Jonestown? Not to mention Western Australia ( the Japanese cult whose name escapes me, but attempted to kill heaps of people on the subway) and various religious sects and cults around the world.Sure, it's a B-movie, but it had its saving graces. I was impressed that when Vic gets shot through the shoulder, clean wound or not, he doesn't just carry on as though nothing happened - he bleeds, he's in pain, he feels some disability. When his partner gets bashed over the head with a rifle butt, he doesn't just wake up and proceed to beat everyone up - he gets double vision, he has a splitting headache - much more realistic than in the bulk of other movies.The final twist was great. The film's morality was dubious, but it was thought-provoking - there was some interesting dialog regarding Vic's Catholic background ( a religion that spurns suicide as a sin) and shows how his background, in fact, makes him already a believer.I enjoyed this, much more than the next movie I watched (The Matador) which had good reviews but was, in fact, complete, totally amoral, rubbish.