| 06 October 2014 (USA)
Reaper Trailers

Criminals and a beautiful but cunning hitchhiker must battle a supernatural force known as the Reaper.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
zenoismoe This movie is no "twisty thriller, with supernatural shades" like one fake review claims, not "clever", "awesome" or "fun"as another one is gonna tell you. this is just the saddest excuse for a movie, as bad as its soundtrack and as "c" as it gets. its also not danny trejos greatest performance, he just holds a machete.. again.feels kinda racist. stupidest, stupidest movie, lacking everything that would make it at least a bearable slasher. bad cg, very braindead writing, trejo and wossisname making their usual faces, some stale slasher story as a backdrop for a wildly uninteresting plot of a stealing chick, who repents her deeds so she can be saved by a dude (whom she stole from. twist). it's as boring as a morning poo, really, you want to read a newspaper. booo, fake reviews, booo!
nurpin Unreal! This is absolutely one of the worst movies I have seen! I can't believe that IMDb allows so many FAKE positive reviews! So hopefully this will serve as a warning....This is why Reaper is so bad: Very Bad Writing Very Bad Story Very Bad Dialogue Very Bad Acting Bad DirectingSPoILERS Coming --- But trust me there is no way this movie could spoil any more-- it smells like it's been spoiled for years! Like it seriously STINKS!The first half of the movie looks like it is about a serial killer and focuses on a hotel clerk, who has "delusional vision" and sparks blue lightning, while killing patrons supposedly in the name of God. In the meantime we see a trashy young girl tricking a guy (Jake B) into going to the killer clerk's hotel, she steals his money, runs off and the clerk kills the guy. She meets up with another guy (the crappy writer of the movie), steals his huge bag of money and runs off with his car, only to break down and get into another guy's car (Danny T), who ends up at the same psycho clerk's hotel-- again. Suddenly, and for no apparent reason, about halfway through the movie, a ghostly reaper, that seems to be spouting the same blue electricity the hotel clerk does, appears and disappears in a puff of smoke, until he finally kills the hotel clerk and seems to go after the last three people(Crappy writer, Danny T, and Trashy Girl). But in a weird twist, the reaper walks into a puddle, when he's going after Danny T, and seems to electrocute himself, making you now believe the reaper is a real guy dressed like a reaper but then making you wonder why he was able to disappear and reappear in smoke form. okeeee. Crappy Writer shoots Danny T, is killed by the reaper and a ridiculous and stupid ending happens --- Finally for some weird reason, the trashy girl is mysteriously chained to a bunch of crap, reaper puts a wire necklace around her neck and Danny T comes up behind the reaper and shoves his head in a --- a what? A barrel of water that just happens to be sitting nearby in what now looks like a church, with pews and everything... huh? WTH?! Okay, so a combo of the reapers own electricity shocking himself and Danny T drowning him in the barrel of water has caused the magical and now possibly human reaper to die. And finally the trashy girl drives off and picks up a hitchhiker when she leaves....the end.... until after the credits when the magical human reaper wakes up from his shocking face bath.This movie made no sense! It was sooooo stupid! First its about a serial killer, then about a supernatural reaper, who really seems human when he electrocutes himself and then is drowned and electrocuted but comes back to life like he really was magical in the first place. The bad actors in between all that nonsense really don't do too much for the movie and just listening to their horrible dialogue was torture enough.AVOID THIS MOVIE UNLESS YOU ARE A MASOCHIST! This movie is torture to watch.
drdeathforpresident yawn - that would be the whole review.Beware of movie trailers, in fact, don't watch them anymore. I've learned my lesson. The story, just like the dialogue, is simple and stupid. A runaway gets picked up by a drunk, horny salesman. They end up in a hotel where the dye job blonde whips the salesman with a belt repeatedly (which he oddly enjoys) then ties his ass to a chair. She steals his wallet and his piece of crap car and hightails it outta there. The car, just like the film, runs out of gas. Now comes the B story. Two drug dealers hanging out in a restaurant are popping blue pills that look like Viagra. Where the hell is The Reaper? We are 30 minutes into this and nothing happens except now my eyelids are closing. The blonde backs into the young dealer and somehow they become friends and now she is driving his ass to a liquor store. The dumb ass dealer gets out of the car leaving a bunch of money in her possession so she takes off. Long story short, about 45 minutes into this we are introduced to Danny Trejo's character. The blonde and Danny go back to the hotel. She pulls a gun on Danny and the young drug dude - The Reaper finally shows up again, this time killing everyone in his path and I'm left wondering why? Why didn't anyone kill this dumb broad & why was Danny Trejo's character so damn submissive and forgiving? Come on, Danny Boy. Is it the child support payments?
bruce A fascinating blend of Tarantino/Rodriguez crime noir crossed with Wes Craven's shlocky old horror genre thrillers (namely "Shocker," which it vaguely echoes in some departments), "Reaper" is an undeniably entertaining and enjoyable B-movie with a spectacular cast.What will surprise most, and alienate those looking for a standard bloody horror show, is that the film starts off like a straight-forward supernatural serial killer film but then becomes something quite different all together: a clever, twisty, layered yarn where intersecting paths and coincidences bring a crew of crooks, drug peddlers and a sultry, shrewd hitch hiker together for one long night of mayhem, betrayal, punishment, and maybe even a little redemption while we're at it as well.For a B-movie, "Reaper" boasts A-level performances from the likes of genre greats Trejo, Jones, and Busey, not to mention attractive and deft newcomers Beesley and Jurdi. It's the ensemble element which keeps us hooked and captivated, just waiting to see who will turn on who as the ominous Reaper makes his rounds. The kills and suspenseful situations are good but not spectacular, but the performances and textured storyline elevate "Reaper" into not just a fun horror movie but a solid character thriller as well.
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