The Human Race
The Human Race
| 13 June 2014 (USA)
The Human Race Trailers

One moment some 80 people are walking on a big city street. Suddenly a blinding light appears that transports them to a very peculiar racing course. A voice sounds in everybody’s head : “The school, the house and the prison are safe. Follow the arrows or you will die. Stay on the path or you will die. If you’re doubled twice, you will die. Do not touch the grass or you will die. Race or die.” Whether you’re rich or poor, old or young, blind, strong, handicapped, courageous or a coward; the rules make no distinction. There can be only one winner !

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
lbpaddict I had absolutely a fun time watching this, it made me feel and make laughs, I was intrigued by many of the surprised twists and all the different unique death. They put many emotion into my heart when watching this movie and I would recommend to anyone who is looking for a good times. However movie was completely awful and I'm not sure you want to watch. The character had a lot of depth and he was a pretty funny. I'm just not sure if that's enough for the guys this day and age. What if we could do more movie with this. What if it could have become longer and more build up to the finals. If I could production this I would have made it a much more longer. I would continued past the twist ending and gave satisfy of the ending. If that is not appeal to you I don't know what is not. Please let me know if this is helpful to you if you watched the Human Racing movie. Thanks many -Mark
emmac-43908 This was a great movie that showed the way people can change in stress situations. It is also fantastic to see an actor (Eddie McGee) who IS an actual amputee play this role, rather than them casting an able bodied actor and getting tying up one leg. I am disabled ("differently- abled") and it was great to see a disabled character who is so capable and literally kicks ass! Also adds another dimension by having 2 main characters who are deaf. The storyline is novel and the characters are realistic... There are plenty of twists to keep you interested. But it leaves enough to your own imagination to keep you guessing to the end. Not one for the faint hearted as there is quite a lot of blood and guts, but it is all justifiable within the story. Definitely give this movie a chance!
FlashCallahan 80 people are ripped out of their daily lives and are all taken to an undisclosed location. These people are from all walks of life: young and old, athletic and disabled, working class and homeless. The rules to are depicted as words in their heads, using their own voice and language, laying out what will become a horrific race of survival.If you are lapped twice, you die. If you step off the path, you die. If you touch the grass, you will die. Rules are simple, but the runners aren't.......Its a sound idea, executed with an element of success, but the fundamental flaw of the film is that the majority of the characters are highly unlikeable, and the ones that appear to be 'good' end up doing abhorrent acts that make you dislike them.The ones that do this in the most bizarre way are the one legged chap, and the deaf couple. They obviously stray off the path in more ways than one.Another thing, the film makers obviously tried to be as controversial as they could, but the scene with the pregnant woman is awful, and should not have been in the film, it was just included to shock, and its exploitative nonsense that ruined the flow of the film.Oh, and there is that little bit at the beginning of the second act with the vicar explaining in the best Basil Exposition that the film is subliminally about religion, sin, and redemption. The only thing that was missing from that scene was the vicar looking at the camera, winking, and holding his thumbs up.But the first scene is genius, borrowed from Psycho, but genius. We are introduced to a character who is told she has a terminal condition, then we see her train and train, and then she is told she is in remission, and then, well it's the best bit of the film.Worth seeing, but messages and exploitation are just too heavy handed. And the ending is silly.
bowmanblue Have you seen 'Scanners?' Did you like the bit when the head explodes? If you answered 'Yes' to that then you should definitely watch 'The Human Race.' It's a film primarily about people's heads exploding (occasionally interspersed with the odd pick-axe through someone's neck). However, what little 'story' there is when brains aren't flying towards the camera, concerns a seemingly random group of people who get spirited away from their everyday lives, only to find themselves part of a twisted and lethal game where they have to race each other... or their heads explode.Think 'Battle Royale' or 'The Cube.' It's kind of like that (only with more exploding heads).And, believe it or not, it's actually quite good. Yes, there isn't much of a budget; what little money went into making this film was primarily spent on blood flying from holes in people's necks. Naturally, they couldn't afford and big names either, but it's still quite a fun little sci-fi/survival-horror film to watch. Any negative criticism that it seems to have attracted centres around a 'lack of story.' Yes, there's not much of a story, but there was there much of a story in Battle Royale? There's only so much of a story you can build around eighty people who have to force each other's head to explode in order to survive.If you like your films short, sweet and filled with decapitated bodies, then give this one a go.And remember... keep off the grass.
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