Battle Royale II: Requiem
Battle Royale II: Requiem
NR | 11 November 2003 (USA)
Battle Royale II: Requiem Trailers

It's three years after the events of the original Battle Royale, and Shuya Nanahara is now an internationally-known terrorist determined to bring down the government. His terrorist group, Wild Seven, stages an attack that levels several buildings in Tokyo on Christmas Day, killing 8000 people. In order for the government to study the benefits of "teamwork", the new students work in pairs, with their collars electronically linked so that if one of them is killed, the other dies as well. They must kill Nanahara in three days - or die.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Jamie Hoobanoff (kzg-52025) Here they appear in the wilds of Afghanistan and they take the lessons they learnt and the injustices perpetrated on them and turn it around to fight for justice. The brutality of inhumanity and violence is offered as entertainment, yes, but it is fabulous to see the protagonists show that all suffering and death was not meaningless and there is a pay-off. Enjoy!
kos_tsan So, the first film had only the original idea (a bunch of people killing each other to survive), and nothing else was good.This film, has totally nothing good to offer. It has absolutely no meaning at all.They arm a class of low profile criminal teenagers to go and kill the "terrorist" group which is formed by the previous two winners and some other teenagers. 1) How did they expect a bunch of teens to know anything about military guns and tactics? No sense.2)If the "terrorists" were so dangerous, why didn't the military kill them until then? They were just a few angry teens with guns... No big deal for an armies Special Forces right?3)Why on earth would the terrorist hide in an island? The air force could kill them in a matter of seconds if they bomb the island4)Why do they need to put them in pairs? They need those "terrorists" killed so they said "Oh lets put them in pairs so if one gets killed, the other dies as well... They will sure kill the enemy this way yeah!"Save yourselves time, and do not watch this movie.
summerinertia The critique for this movie really blows me away. People cite it as inciting terrorism and such, but seem to forget this movie is set in an alternate universe! It's frankly bizarre how quick people are to put this down when it really is the direction that this franchise would go. How could you possibly say it's an imitation of the first film, when they are nothing alike other than in characters.The setup makes you think it will be a replica, but having an actual enemy for the students rather than themselves turns the whole plot on it's head. They are nothing alike It seems clear to me that a lot of people here barely understand the first movie in the first place. You have to watch this as a direct sequel, and you have to THINK about where the characters' minds are. One reviewer says that having the students team up with the terrorist is obvious. Did you watch the first part of the movie? All of the students have collars on them that could explode at any time. If you assume that they're going to team up the way they do, deactivating the collars and all, you are likely looking for the movie to be a failure.Think about it, they kill half of the class before they even reach the terrorists, why would they want to join them? Now, I don't want all of this to be some sort of counter review. This movie does have a few cheesy moments, and the beach landing scene is very dated already, but I think if you go into this movie not thinking "it's going to suck" or "it's trying to imitate BR1" and view it as a direct sequel in terms of plot advancement to BR1, you will enjoy this.Don't pick this up WANTING to see another BR, see it if you want to know where the story goes, because that's what sequels should be for primarily and that's what this is.
NeoCyberlaw It's on my mind the most brilliant representative of films, in which awesome first part and the second did not have to do it at all than make such a mess. Discouragement from the first to the last seconds. I am very sorry for my time spent Started watching eagerly second part immediately after watching the first, it is really a blow to all counts. From the very beginning the film is very tedious, but still there is hope that the story will begin to develop yet somehow. By the middle there is a great desire to turn off this stuff and never to forget about it. Sorry for the spelling, but you need to warn people about what it is not worthy to steal their precious time (which is priceless)
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