Battle Royale
Battle Royale
NR | 20 December 2000 (USA)
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In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary "Battle Royale" act.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Sankari_Suomi If you're old enough to remember this movie, you'll recall the wild thrill we all felt when it exploded onto cinema screens in a riotous burst of muted tones, squirting blood, and cute Japanese schoolgirls in short-skirted uniforms.The year is 2xxx. The Japanese government is fed up with young people and their bullshit. A new policy is implemented to address the problems exacerbated by these irresponsible little scrotes, and it receives universal public support. The rules are simple: 42 kids enter, only one kid leaves. Some social commentators have argued that the same policy could be used to address the plague of parasitic, self-entitled millennials that currently blights Western society. I, for one, would strongly favour such a proposal.This entire film is carried on the broad shoulders of Takeshi Kitano, a hardboiled movie veteran who needs no introduction here. If you enjoy him in Battle Royale, you'll love him even more in the Autoreiji trilogy (go and watch it right now!)I rate Battle Royale: Extended Version at 23.31 on the Haglee Scale, which works out as a blood-soaked 7/10 (with just a hint of sexy schoolgirl thighs) on IMDB.
manishkc-65069 Film is very good. U have to know what is going on from the start or u will not understand the ending like me . some parts were not needed like kitano was shot ,he died but he received a call talked on the fone & died yea apart from that and other few scenes ( very few ) film is very goood
garymcbain I have read some people comment that this film is harrowing, brilliant, compelling etc. I can only ask, what the f##k are these people smoking?This film is so bad that is an inadvertent comedy. The acting, plot, cheesy scenes of violence, all of it is utter garbage. This film is so bad that it's good. Quite possibly the worst film ever made
sol- Subjected to a government sanctioned program in which they have to hunt and kill each other, a group of high school students reevaluate their lives in this controversial thriller from Japan. Sometimes cited as a horror movie, 'Battle Royale' is actually more of a black comedy with an insanely peppy instructional video plus a demented deadpan performance by Takeshi Kitano as a former teacher who takes discipline to a whole new level while running the program. This black comedy edge is, however, not always present with the film taking some unwise dips into melodrama as teens recall crushes and friendships. With over forty students in the class, very few are fleshed out in depth either, which makes it difficult to get emotionally invested, and while the killing methods vary, there remains something repetitive in just watching countless teenagers die. The film additionally concludes with too many loose threads for its own good. For all its shortcomings though, the film still resonates in the mind long after it is over and with the way the teens are cheered on and encouraged to kill one another, it is easy to see the film as a metaphor for a society that encourages young people to be ruthless in pursuit of their dreams. Kitano also has one surefire memorable final scene and his energetic acting keeps the film chugging along even if he only appears sporadically.
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