Pirates of Silicon Valley
Pirates of Silicon Valley
NR | 20 June 1999 (USA)
Pirates of Silicon Valley Trailers

The story about the men who made the world of technology what it is today, their struggles during college, the founding of their companies, and the ingenious actions they took to build up the global corporate empires of Apple Computer Inc. and Microsoft Corporation.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
pkpera This movie is on so low intellectual level. Dealing with some of most famous people of late 20-th Century, who influenced our World a lot. Explaining why what happened on so low level. Like - they went in Xeros, seen some pointer device controlled OS, and that means that they actually stole it ? Having some good idea is simple. Implement it in SW, on slow computers of that time, without hard drive - like MAC - that's is 100000x more work. And needs 10000x more new ideas. Yep, I'm programmer, I know what I talking about. Basically, Apple did not steal anything then. And DR, Atari did not steal from Apple the GUI idea - Apple sued DR for copying look of Desktop, user interface. They could not sue because of using concept of pointer device. Other case of Bill Gates is different - he bought some OS, what is supposedly stolen CPM based. He did not break low. Nobody sued him. Instead it we have now conspiracy theories. What really happened we will never know, most likely. And after all it matters not - Bill Gates was smart man - he would find another ways. What I think is that MS prevailed because they were faster, more user need oriented than competition.
RealChristian14 "Pirates of Silicon Valley" is a TV movie about the history of computers from the 1970's to the 1990's entitled "Pirates of Silicon Valley". The main characters are the late Steve Jobs,played excellently an actor known from "E.R" Noah Wyle, and Bill Gates,played wonderfully by an actor known for his nerd roles during the Brat Pack days,Anthony Michael Hall.It was an adaptation of the book,Fire In The Valley.The story centers on this life with Jobs starting the company Apple Computers and Gates starting the software company Microsoft. It presents their struggles during their company's early days and the actions that they have done to start the computer industry which undoubtedly have changed the way people lived with the advent of personal computers.This TV movie would provide the viewer a better understanding on the computer industry and how it came to be at present.Although I must admit that it needs a sequel considering that the computer industry have undergone more changes after it was released in 1999.But despite of the fact that the story is considered "lacking" at this point, a viewer would still enjoy it today especially to appreciate on how the personal computer and the industry came to be and how Microsoft dominated the software industry today.And most of all,one would surely have a better appreciation of computers today.
adamkings It's a good thing we know bill gates and steve jobs. but the way this movie portraits them is like a bunch of drunk, stupid college frat boys. they were geeks. we want to see their story. that's why we watch this film. instead this film shows a lifestyle of a rock stars with loud inappropriate soundtrack that ruins the film. it shows all the garbage like getting drunk, or high or having sex. really? who wants to see these guys doing this stuff? I want to see how these nerds got through the boring hard work they faced and learn something. I'm pretty sure the story is not even entirely true. it looks like fiction. the only reason I watched the whole thing is so I may get some new information about them I didn't know before.
vm_postitnotes Let's get one thing out of the way: real life does not make for good film. We are all aware of this. With that out of the way, I'd like to get to the real point: that this story records the history that really matters for the next generation. The creation of the personal computer and how it echoes into the future is what is detailed in this film.The Steve Jobs and Bill Gates featured in this film are not quite the real life Jobs and Gates, but they stand as what will be remembered - their efforts to create a system for the average person, and to build a financial foundation to continue to do so.It also highlights the flaws in Jobs' vision that caused his downfall: that he was willing to do so at the expense of his employees. His treatment of Wozniak and of his programmers, the feud between Apple II and Macintosh: this is real. It really happened. So was Gates' purchasing of CP/M and turning it into the operating system that ran PC compatibles for decades.And this movie highlights it in the format of a biopic that does not bore and does not dress up characters in clothes that focus on their virtues at the expense of their vices. Jobs and Gates are both shown, scars and all, in their battle for superiority in the world of computers, and if you care about computers at all (and you must or you wouldn't be reading this), you'll be caught up in it all.I would suggest at least giving this a rent if possible.