The Brave
The Brave
| 30 July 1997 (USA)
The Brave Trailers

A down-on-his-luck American Indian recently released from jail is offered the chance to "star" as the victim of a snuff film, the resulting pay of which could greatly help his poverty stricken family.

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
jcbinok *CONTAINS SPOILERS*First the good. The Brave, written and directed by Johnny Depp, had its moments. Somewhere among all the long, unnecessary diversions, beat the heart of a truly meaningful movie; the core conflict of which is the same as Death of a Salesman: What does a man do when he thinks he's worth more dead than alive? That the movie actually grappled with this question is to its credit.Now the bad. What the heck was going on with all the bizarre characters in the garbage dump village? Terry Gilliam influence? The two main aspects of this movie (the core conflict and the secondary characters) didn't fit together at all. Editing about 20 minutes out of the garbage dump village sequences would've been addition by subtraction, IMHO. More screen time for Brando would've helped, too. Finally, the ugly. This movie made me want to take a bath. Depp wears essentially the same clothes throughout the week-long time frame (he does change shirts once). Hot, sweaty, no running water...I guess that added to the atmosphere of why he wanted to get his family out. The Brave has to be in contention for the least amount of greenery on film ever. Other than the one neighbor's grass garden, there is hardly another living plant anywhere. Special kudos to Iggy Pop for the excellent scoring. Fantastic music throughout; very spare and earthy: tribal drums, wooden flutes, etc. I'm going to seek out the soundtrack.Final score: 6/10. Depp's direction was good, I thought. The love scene b/n his character and the wife felt real; even more so because "it" happened only once. But, the central conflict: accepting money to be killed for entertainment, could've been explored more deeply. I didn't even understand that was the deal until the 90-minute mark when Depp confesses to the priest. More focus, less weirdness...but all in all not a bad flick.
David Beckers Don't get fooled by the title. It does not refer to Johnny Depp. No it refers to the viewer who is brave enough to endure this waste of time. I watched this movie at a friends house and I did not know the movie, but he said it got good reviews. We were all outraged that Johnny Depp wasted 2 hours of our lives with this crap. Most boring movie ever. We wanted to turn it off, but my friend said that it had a good ending. He lied. Afterwards we decided to give him a couple of punches for this terrible movie, and it was the last time he decides which movie we'll see. If somebody you don't like asks you: Hey seen any good movies lately? Point him towards The Brave.
faderdude This is by far one of the worst movies ever made! It was so bad it was the first movie at one of the biggest film festivals where everyone walked out on it. It was so bad it was never released in the USA! this is a turd and that is putting it nicely. Don't waist your time or money. If you like this you must not be watching this movie. I am a big Johnny Depp fan and have liked most of his work but this one would have been better off never being made. This movie was his baby from start to finish, I guess an abortion in this case would have been a good idea. PS a little know true fact about the music. The scene of the room where Johnny is to be killed the music contains sounds of an actually pig having its throat cut. The pig squeals with the sound of true death. it is disturbing. How do I know this... I worked on the session with Iggy Pop and saw the video where it came from.
Fernando Nascimento I am a cinema maniac and have a DVD collection of nearly 1200 movies besides other 300 VHS, including all the Hollywood Academy Award Winners. My tastes go to Italian, English, French and American films of 1930,40, 50 and 60. But I see and buy films of today even being the distribution here around 90% of American films, the majority very bad, not to mention the real word. I missed THE BRAVE when it passed here in our cinemas and yesterday I noticed by chance that it was to be shown on TV. AS the director was Johnny Depp I decided to see it. I knew J. Depp as an actor only. I enjoyed the film very much. It has substance and so I decided to keep it. However Leonard Maltin's 2008 MOVIE GUIDE does not even mention it. Why ? Why did Johnny Depp not let his film to be released in the U.S. . Can someone please explain ?