| 15 June 2015 (USA)
Pernicious Trailers

It was supposed to be an adventure of a lifetime as three young girls spend the summer in Thailand. But their adventure quickly becomes a nightmare when the trio unleashes the spirit of a murdered child with only one thing on her mind - revenge.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
TheLittleSongbird Was drawn into seeing 'Pernicious', with a cool poster/cover, an intriguing and quite creative premise and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive. 'Pernicious', simply put, turned out to be a terrible, worse than feared film with next to no redeeming values and so much done catastrophically wrong. One of the worst films seen in a while, which is saying a lot for somebody who on the most part has been encouraged by their film/television watching and has more often than that been quite generous. Decent idea, horrendous execution.Lets start with one positive. The scenery is atmospheric, if wasted by the schlocky way the film is shot and particularly edited.However, the story does feel over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less scary it got. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their irritating and illogical decision making and behaviours insult the intelligence. Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it. The acting is also terrible and the effects are ropy at best.Dialogue can be stilted and rambling while the pace is uneven, dragging in a lot of the second half and never is it exciting. Found too many the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness and the lack of tension and suspense. A large part of the problem being the excessive gratuity of the elements thrown in to "spice things up", that it borders on pornographic and tasteless, and the utterly predictable, confusing and un-scary way the torture and supernatural elements are handled.A lot of the film completely fails to make sense, both in underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations. The villains are poorly used and pose very little threat. The last third badly sags in momentum and the atmosphere completely falls flat. Everything feels both overdone and tame.In summary, a nightmarishly terrible film. 1/10 Bethany Cox
tigerknightt This is one seriously engaging horror film! I have been guilty, even during some of the best films out there, hitting the "fast forward" button to get to the "good stuff" and skip past what I call "filler clips". You know, where John has a bagel with cream cheese and talks to the waitress about the meaning of life according to an insurance salesman. I'm like "can we please just KILL him already"! Can we look and see if there's a tiger in the bathroom...right NOW? Oh, look, there's a squirrel! Look at the clock...what time is it? Popcorn? It's very rare that I come across a film so captivating that I don't even care where the remote is because I'm completely sucked in. Lost in every moment. That was my experience with this film. It viciously grabbed me by the throat and glued me to the screen! An intoxicating nightmare I'll not soon forget!
roscoe666 Pernicious starts off like a rather naff TVM. Three models (supposedly teachers) rent a house in Thailand and experience some weird goings on, before shrugging them off and going shopping/clubbing. This pretty much continues for a good part of the film before they can ignore it no longer.Actually the above précis makes it sound more interesting than it really is. There is no real script or acting to speak of, just by the numbers progression. I thought for a moment the film was dubbed because some parts have badly out of synch speech. After every trauma they remain immaculately presented, with not a hair out of place, and strangely unmoved by their experience.There are a few scenes of Herschell Gordon Lewis style camp ultraviolence, which although obviously fake, is the only redeeming feature of the film. However, they jar with the pedestrian pace and made-for-TV style nature of the rest of the film.Overall, although not terrible, you need to be seriously bored to bother with this one.
Zebb67 Bad, buh-bad, bad, bad!!! Three young women travel to Thailand to teach young children (though they all look more like Victoria's Secret models forever strutting down a runway). Let's see, you have the irresponsible, horny blonde chick; the irresponsible, not-so-bright blonde chick; and the one smart, responsible chick (brunette of course--no cliché goes untouched in this cr*p). The chicks (I'm only using that word because that's clearly how the filmmakers view them) decide to party down before school starts, but it seems the house they are living in is haunted with...well, something or other. Some gory murders to wake you up, but since the victims are always tied down, there is no tension or suspense. Additional caveat for those interested: though the three chicks often prance around in their underwear and short-short shorts, there's no nudity. I guess they didn't want to lose their dignity. Why the rating for this garbage is not hovering around 2 or 3 suggests the cast and crew (and friends and relatives of both) were instructed to vote.