| 25 July 2015 (USA)
Lavalantula Trailers

Giant lava breathing tarantulas – Lavalantulas – erupt out of ancient volcanos in the Santa Monica Mountains, raining death and destruction upon Los Angeles. With the City of Angels on the verge of incineration, only a washed up ‘90s action hero actor stands in the way of this monstrous swarm of bloodthirsty creatures who burn their victims alive.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Paul Magne Haakonsen The first thing that comes into mind when you see a creature feature with big lava spiders and Steve Guttenberg is of course B-movie. And right you are, but it should be said that the 2015 "Lavalantula" is actually one of the better creature features out there and one of the more enjoyable of spider movies in a long time.Sure, the concept is far fetched. But hey, an earthquake hits Los Angeles, unleashing erupting fissures and starts volcanic activity, and midst the chaos lava-spewing giant spiders scurry from the depths of the earth to wreak havoc on Los Angeles. Sure, it doesn't get any more generic and B-movie concept than this. But wait, "Lavalantula" is very, very enjoyable and is a fun watch.I have seen many a creature features, most of which have questionable or laughable special effects. However, it should be said that the effects in "Lavalantula" were actually surprisingly good. The spiders looked quite cool and realistic, well as realistic as giant lava-breathing spiders can be. And that is one of the major things that really made the movie watchable and enjoyable.Steve Guttenberg actually surprised me with his performance in this movie, as this is the first time I have seen him in a role that wasn't solely based on comedy elements. And for longtime movie lovers, then it was of course a treat to have "Police Academy" stars Michael Winslow, Leslie Easterbrook and Marion Ramsey join in alongside with Steve Guttenberg. But there was another "Police Academy" reference in the movie, and it was when Pirate Jack (played by Ralph Garman) said "Oh, they took out the Blue Oyster. I loved that place."I nearly tipped over when Ian Ziering made a short cameo in "Lavalantula" as Fin Shepard from the "Sharknado" movies, and he dropped a very lovely single line here. That was just candy for us lovers of the B-movie creature features.The dialogue is as to be expected from a movie such as this. A lot of outrageous one-liners and dialogue to be heard and witnessed here, alongside with some equally colorful characters. But hey, we all love that in these kind of movies, right?If you are looking for a serious movie, then "Lavalantula" is not the best of choices, because it is a creature feature after all. But if you enjoy a good laugh and a good action-packed ride in a city ravaged by lava-spewing giant spiders, then "Lavalantula" is definitely worth watching."Lavalantula" was a nice surprise of an entertaining movie, and it more than delivered beyond my expectations to it. It is a movie that you can watch more than once.I am rating this 2015 movie a solid six out of ten stars rating, no doubt about it.
horrormoviereviews-15751 Now, I have seen worse than this, but, this was pretty dumb. Giant spiders, spitting lava?! How dumb can these movies get? I just don't see the entertainment in this movie. And, the people being chased by the spiders, aren't even scared! They act scared, but aren't really scared. Sure the special effects and visual effects are good, but the storyline sucks. And then there's the acting. Now I've seen worse acting on the Syfy channel, but this movie's actors still need to work on it. Not to mention the ending. The ending was worse than the rest of the movie. It could have been so much better. So, with all that said, this movie is a true embarrassment to Syfy and to all the other production companies that were involved. The problems here are poor storyline, bleak dialogue, bad acting, and just plain dumbness.
geozel I didn't have too high expectations when I started this movie. I kinda like SyFy movies when I want to be entertained without too much brainstorming. :) I watched Police Academy over and over again when I was a kid and seeing Steve Guttenberg and the others again laughing at themselves and being ironic was so much fun. Although the story itself is very simple, the actors filled the whole atmosphere with so much energy and joy that it would be hard not to enjoy the movie. I also have arachnophobia so I had a couple of scares during the movie but in a good way. Altogether it was 85 minutes well spent and I really enjoyed it during the whole time. SyFy nailed it this time. Kudos guys!
Michael O'Keefe OK, we've endured SHARKTOPUS vs WHALEWOLF, SHARKNADO and DINOCROC vs I know we can handle LAVALANTULA. All joking aside, SyFy standards have been raised a little. The Santa Monica Mountains start rockin', rollin' and shaking' as a configuration of ancient volcanoes erupt and spew out from deep underground giant tarantulas. Fire breathing and lava spitting tarantulas. I do find this more awesome than sharks falling from the sky. Humongous tarantulas running amok in Los Angeles disintegrating, maiming and burning people alive.Coming to the rescue is an action star past his prime, Colton West(Steve Guttenberg), who just so happened to have walked off a possible comeback project. On his way home he realizes earthquakes are not the sole reason for all hell breaking loose. Lava fires and rapid moving angry tarantulas are not part of a movie. Colton steps up to be an actual hero and is all over the news channels that remain on the air. Thought to be a has been, West teams with some former co-stars to fight off this strange attack.Have to admit that the special effects are really worth watching and may even leave a better impression than some of the stars: Ralph Garman, Danny Woodburn, Patrick Renna, Noah Hunt, Michael Winslow, Marion Ramsey, Diana Hopper, Jon Edwin Wright and Leslie Easterbrook. The still gorgeous Nia Peeples plays West's wife.