| 16 June 2017 (USA)
Nails Trailers

Paralyzed after a terrible accident, Dana struggles to regain her life and family when she encounters a malevolent ghost in her hospital room.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Micransix Crappy film
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Wu_Tang_Clam The acting was average but at least the hospital had creepy undertones. The problem was with the unbelievable scenarios, and more importantly, the plot that was all over the place. They made it seem like 'Nails' really cared for the kids--then it made it look like he killed them out of mercy--then there was a hint near the end that the woman who ran the hospital killed them. It was almost like they were initially going for a storyline twist where 'Nails" was framed and killed himself...but then just got lazy and dropped it. There were a ton of unbelievable scenarios and the ending was super weak. I love scary ghost movies but this one was just plain bad.
willkay-25306 This movie had potential to be good. A haunted hospital, a haunted history etc... Too bad the acting was awful and the storyline was kinda just meandering
mhall-42393 Yes, we all have bills to pay, but why would you be associated with this drivel, yes the chances of any future horror film being as good as the descent will be slim, but honestly. At the start of the film when you start your run, you should not have passed go but went straight to foresters and got a pint,then tore up this script.
Michael Ledo Plot spoilers.Dana (Shauna Macdonald) is a young healthy woman who eats right, works out, jogs, but doesn't look both ways when crossing the street, trusting the lights. She ends up in the ivy covered Hopewell Rehabilitation Hospital. Here she is haunted by a guy nicknamed "Nails" who is not Lenny Dykstra. The film seemed like it was going to be a combination of "Final Destination" and "Sublime" which I really liked.Instead it goes into a tangential explanation. Dana had died and now sees dead people. Or one dead person anyway. She visits a web site where other people see dead people, but no Zelda Rubinstein shows up to help wait she was a patient there years ago as a child...that is why a ghost haunts her that no one else can see. No wait, the daughter now sees her. And why did that happen in the car? The ghost cares about Dana and wants to enact justice for her prior to trying to kill her? They needed to stick with and develop one explanation instead of throwing a bunch of stuff at a wall to see what sticks like a political platform. I think bringing in a flighty woman to look for the ghost was needed to break up the too serious and dry tone.Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.