Iron Will
Iron Will
PG | 14 January 1994 (USA)
Iron Will Trailers

When Will Stoneman's father dies, he is left alone to take care of his mother and their land. Needing money to maintain it, he decides to join a cross country dogsled race. This race will require days of racing for long hours, through harsh weather and terrain. This young man will need a lot of courage and a strong will to complete this race.

Boobirt Stylish but barely mediocre overall
Wordiezett So much average
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
g-bodyl Iron Will is a good, predictable film that you can immediately tell it's a Disney-produced film because of the inner deep meanings that are essential with all Disney films. This is a movie that is good for all ages. I saw this in 5th grade, and I just saw it again many years later and still thoroughly enjoyed it. It's very predictable but if you don't think and just watch, this movie will be good.Charles Haid's film is a coming-of-age story about a kid who recently lost his father due to a tragedy and his farm is in danger of being foreclosed. He enters a dogsled race that's eerily similar to the Iditarod and his goal is to win the top prize that will allow him to keep the farm and go to college.The acting isn't all that bad. Mackenzie Astin does okay with what he got to work with. Kevin Spacey is magnificent as always. I always love when Brian Cox plays a slimy guy because he is so good at doing it.Overall, this is your typical Disney film. It's family-friendly and it features many adorable dogs. Speaking of dogs, I do like that Gus(the lead dog on dog team). He's a courageous little guy. Despite the film being predictable, I still hung on to all the tense moments. It's a good, little-known film that people should see. I rate this film 8/10.
Shawn Watson There's no denying that Disney have went horribly astray in recent years, churning out pure garbage that even the most deluded of families find appalling, and all in the name of political correctness. Walt built the studio and his reputation on taking risks and pushing boundaries through the right of free speech. But the Disney label now seems to be ashamed of its past and leans toward conservative values. They have all but erased their "racist" film Song of the South from existence and show little, if any, of the courage and nerve Walt thrived upon in the 30s and 40s. I'm not sure what has provoked this alarming shift in quality from a once flawless studio. Perhaps they think that every mother out there shelters every one of her children against any and all things that can possibly contaminate their fragile minds and only the trusted House of the Mouse knows what's best.Set in 1917 the story follows Will Stoneman (Mackenzie Astin, looking like Sean Patrick Flannery) a boy who dreams of saving the family farm and going to college. But his only chance of doing so is by winning $10,000 in a cross country dog-sled race. With little training and overwhelming odds against him he throws himself head-first into the race despite the adversity.It's a great movie for those who love adventure, escapism, choo-choo trains, period settings and Huskies. I'm not keen on dogs in the slightest but Huskies are lovely.Kevin Spacey and Brian Cox (as old then as he is now as the man was born middle-aged) provide good support but the movie belongs to Astin, who somehow hasn't achieved the level of fame his brother has. His acting skills are certainly not in doubt and this movie proves he's a good lead.Iron Will is a perfect example of how far Disney has fallen in the past decade. Made in 1994, it's a solid adventure film with strong characters, lovely scenery and an uplifting story. Flash-forward to January 2002 (a mere 8 years) to the pile of rubbish Disney movie Snow Dogs starring Cuba Gooding Jnr. A very similar movie in terms of story but a WORLD apart in tone. One is serious and respectable, the other features multiple clichés and fart jokes.What would you rather expose your kids to?
teacherman-1 I got the chance to work on this movie on the special effects crew as a local hire. It was a really interesting how we shot the movie, and how it ended up being put together. Makes you understand how important the editors are. Things that we shot weeks apart and in different locations ended up in the same scene in the movie. w Wen he goes off the cliff I am hiding just over the lip holding a safety line. It was extremely cold the first couple of weeks shooting - it was shot mostly around Duluth Minn, then it got warm and everything melted and we spent HOURS spreading potatoe flakes to make snow. The final scene of the movie - most of the snow was trucked in to cover the streets.
Kelsey Marks This film, among other dog films, is one of my favorite. Not only does it tell how a boy rushes to save his family farm by entering a race that could kill him, he learns the value of trusting his dogs and that not everything is impossible. Against all odds, Will makes it through the race and wins. He is not only faced with the wilderness, but those other racers that are threatened by him. This is a movie purely of selflessness and courage. The scenes are fantastic and it is a very enjoyable movie that everyone should own. I find that all the movies that have the most meaning and that teach us the most, are those about true stories and are usually about dogs or horses. It is always a good choice in movie if it is based on a true story because those who write, and those who watch, these films are honoring those who actually did the feat and respect them for what they did.