Dead Before Dawn
Dead Before Dawn
R | 10 October 2012 (USA)
Dead Before Dawn Trailers

A bunch of college kids accidentally unleash an evil curse that causes people to kill themselves and turn into Zombie Demons, aka ZEMONS!

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
GL84 After accidentally unleashing a strange curse, a group of friends find their small college town overrun by vicious demon-possessed zombies and must try to fend off the creatures before the true nature of the curse reveals itself.This was a surprising amount of fun and really had a lot of great points about it. One of the best points to this one is that this manages to introduce a rather novel concept here for unleashing the curse in the form of the possession angle by featuring the curse causing everyone around them to commit suicide before becoming among the horde of ravenous undead. As well, it changes around several big cues in their behavior according to this new concept of fueling their ranks which makes for a pretty fun time throughout as this manages a few pretty original and rather inventive concepts. These not only give the film a rather nice amount of action throughout but also gives this some rather impressive comedic chops here that are wholly welcome in this so it's got a rather funny air about it at times. Even without the comedy, though, there's enough action here to be truly enjoyable and still maintains that kind of silly tone to where the jokes and physical humor can work with the more serious themes which is well handled with the ability to keep the creatures as threats throughout so they're still something to be feared instead of a joke that doesn't warrant the kind of extreme behavior they undergo in trying to keep themselves out of harm's way. For all the fun it has, there's still some problems in the fact that this features the utterly annoying trope of having the finale make everything completely useless and renders the film a complete wash. It had already done fine with the original ending presented here, yet the fact that it tacks on another makes for quite a frustrating ending since it comes off as a total cliché on its' own right. As well, some of the jokes and attempts at re-writing the zombie rule-book that it presents here do cause this to come off as a little amateurish when it really shouldn't be, not really offering enough to make the changes worthwhile and getting in select humor that might not appeal to all. These here aren't up to really knock off the positives so it makes for a rather fun time all-around.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
Sam Dales I saw this terrible movie for two reasons...Reason #1... Christopher Lloyd. I have loved the guy since the first time I saw him on TV. His is the real deal for funny.Reason #2... I LOVE ZOMBIE MOVIES! I am one of those zombie movie nuts. No matter how stupid or cheap a movie looks I will see it.Well I actually had my hopes up for this one and it turned out to be a real awful flick. Christopher Lloyd is actually really good as always but his part is super small. I don't want to ruin it but he is only in it for a short while and is the only entertaining character and only really good actor.Avoid this movie! It is very poorly written. Not badly produced but the effects are pretty stupid and the story is REALLY stupid with a lot of terrible over the top acting that is trying so hard to be funny that it is just sad.
atinder I didn't not expect that at all, I found this movie very funny a bit to funny and I laughing number of times this movie, yes some of it seem silly at times but very funny. I loved the plots of the movie, great idea spoof Zombie and DemonThe plot: a group of kids unleash a horrible zombie-demon ("zemon") curse on a small town. Everyone who makes eye contact with the kids kills themselves and comes back as a zemon, bent on killing the kids by giving them hickeysIt; was really fun and very enjoyable fast moving movie and really enjoyed how come people kill them self in this movie before they turn into Zemons.Some of kills scenes is movie were very funny in this movie and there few splatters moment in this movie as well but I think could done more gory deaths thought then they were. The acting was really decent, It hard to tell if they pretend to play dump in some scene. I wasn't really happy how the movie came to a end, it kind of feel bit cheated by and in the last scene of the movie is very predicableI enjoyed most of the movie before the 10 minutes I may I rated higher but it still get decent 6 out of 10
Kathy Simmons I don't normally like horror films, but I was intrigued by Christopher Lloyd as a zombie. But he is not a zombie, he is a Zemon, and Zemons are Fast and Funny. The film itself isn't too scary, but had a colorful storyline. I still jumped a couple times but I laughed more.  Set at a rock and roll pace, there are loads of hilarious moments. The "Bees" call back is TOO GOOD, way too good ! Followed by the hot dog mug and gas station scene, I almost pee'd my pants ! It's really one of the funniest movies I've seen this year. Did I mention the 3D doesn't make you dizzy at all, it just brings the scenes to life, it was so well done. I was laughing so hard at one point, my 3D glasses fell off. I actually loved the entire film, long live Zemons!!!!!