Seconds Apart
Seconds Apart
R | 28 January 2011 (USA)
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Seth and Jonah are twins with a dangerous ability: telekinesis. Things start to spiral out of control as their classmates die in twisted and bizarre ways. Jealousy begins to divide them and soon they can no longer trust each other, leading up to a horrific battle against themselves.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
atinder It's be on my watch list for a bit and I was did not expect get this movie for one pound, It's was decent movie for one pound that for sure.I liked the twins was doing the same thing at the same time at the start of the movie, it makes feel bit more creepy.As the movies goes on, it kind of losses the creepy of the movie but get bit stranger and can get a bit confused in few scenes,Your watching it but not sure what really going on at times also I enjoyed how twins mess with victims but at the same they are also messing with us.That decent curve in story, I didn't not see coming at all, after that, the movie felt a little to rushed.I do think this movie could have been a lot longer, there decent stuff, which I don't they used to full potential.6 out of 10 - I got it for £1 so I not complaining
ada one of the worst movies i have watched.there is almost nothing i liked about this movie.the plot is not bad i mean i like those kind of stories about evil little twins but this one is too absurd and the story goes for my taste so slow and then nothing happens and i was even bored at the timesOK so they wanted to make a psycho-thriller or something like that but that is nothing like that.yeah we have two evil twins holding there hands together and getting into peoples' heads (thanks to holding hands and standing behind their targets) but for what? they talk about some project they have to take or make or whatever and guess what they only wanted to feel sad coz' they were crazy little kids who started killing since they were like 5 years old...oh yeah and they killed their parents shorten the story skip this movie!!not worth watching 2/10 2-for the plot that could be good but turned out bad
Paul Magne Haakonsen For a movie in the 'After Dark' series, then "Seconds Apart" was somewhat of a disappointment. Why? Well because this movie was predictable, boring and very uneventful, and far, far from being even the least bit scary.One thing that the movie did have working for it, was the camera work and the cinematography. That was actually off the charts. The movie was really nice to look at, almost bordering on being worth of being called art. And that is what made me suffer through the entire movie, just watching the great camera angles, the contrasts of colors used, the way the scenes were set up, and the details in the scenes.The acting in the movie wasn't bad either, although I wouldn't say that there wasn't anything memorable being put on either. Orlando Jones (playing detective Lampkin) actually did most of the carrying in regards of who pulled the most weight in the acting. Edmund Entin (playing Jonah) and Gary Entin (playing Seth) did also do alright jobs, making their characters come off as disturbing and twisted.I had expected more from this movie, as it is part of the 'After Dark' series, so I was somewhat disappointed with the predictability of the movie. The movie had a great thing with building up suspense and leaving you to wonder, but it eventually was toppled by the predictability of the movie. And once the director decided it was time to reveal the reality of what was going on in the movie, it just totally fell clattering to the floor, the movie took a turn for the worse there. That ending was, in my opinion, not the best of choices."Seconds Apart" might be interesting for you, if you like pseudo-horror/thrillers that doesn't require too much thinking. Just don't expect too much, you might just set yourself up for disappointment.Despite the great camera work, it just wasn't enough to sustain the movie and keep it afloat. This was a disappointing experience for me.
Claudio Carvalho After the death of four high school students, the last two playing Russian Roulette, Detective Lampkin (Orlando Jones) investigates the case interviewing the students in the school. The teenager Katie Dunn (Jennifer Foreman) mentions the weird twins, Jonah (Edmund Entin) and Seth (Gary Entin) Trimble and Lampkin summons the brothers for interrogation. Lampkin is a traumatized man that lost his beloved wife in a fire and has deep scars not only on the face, but also in his soul.After the deaths of Katie and the pedophile Kirby (Rusty Tennant), Lampkin learns that the twins have an evil telepathic connection and are capable to make people live their worst nightmares. He goes further in his investigation and discovers that the evil twins are the result of an experiment. However, his superiors do not trust on him and believe that he has hallucinations. Meanwhile Jonah falls in love with Eve (Samantha Droke) but his brother does not want to separate from him."Seconds Apart" is a creepy movie about two powerful twins that use their abilities for the evil. The story has a great atmosphere and the weirdos are scary. Unfortunately, the messy conclusion is very disappointing, but anyway this film worth to see. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "Sentimentos Mortais" ("Mortal Feelings")
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