Fertile Ground
Fertile Ground
R | 28 January 2011 (USA)
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Emily and Nate Weaver leave the city for the rural comfort of Nate’s ancestral home in the country. Once there, Emily is plagued by horrifying visions and haunted by the ghosts inhabiting their isolated new home. When Nate’s behavior undergoes a strange and fearful metamorphosis, Emily fears she might be the latest target in a murderous tradition.

Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
flemur13013 I "had to" watch it because my girlfriend's nephew was in it.The nephew did all right in his small part.The two main characters were not very likable, so it was difficult to "care" about what happened to them.The bad background music was louder than the dialog in some places; the sound was also echo-y and sometimes hard to understand.After moving - away from the woman's friends so she can get over her depression, which doesn't make any sense - they find an adult human skull in the clogged drain of their new house, which also doesn't make any sense because the pipe was too small.Some medium-sized furry animals I couldn't identify - big squirrels? - made a couple of appearances for no apparent reason.I guess it was supposed to be about ghosts, but it seemed more like the woman was just getting nutty. After imagining some other women wandering around in a bloody dress, she ends up killing hubby and best friend, then ends up in a padded cell after or while having a baby.Altogether not worth watching unless you're trying to sleep.
moruten13 To write a review about this film is hard, when you don't want to sound like you hated it, when you thought it was okay... It is not scary, so horror or thriller is overreacting, but if your girlfriend can't take much gore or is easily scared, this film might be the perfect one, before you start with something like the ring or saw.The story has potential, it is a common horror story plot line, with a couple moving to the countryside, but with a bit more background than most of those plot lines. Here I at first got some hope, that it won't be as boring as most films with these plot lines are... But... Yeah, as mentioned, disappointed viewer.When Emily starts to see things, you kinda get a bit creeped and wonder what is the reason, but it soon is boring. Nothing happens, besides her seeing ghost, who do nothing but being their. Even the breathing sound in paranormal activity is scarier than this, after it happened twice. Wasted potential A.Since she found this kinda box, the story gets interesting about the people who lived there before and later on, they find a skeleton in their yard.Nate turns kinda like Jack Nicholson in the Shining and you have this unseen, only mentioned panting on which he is working and you get hinted to many times. But later on, when it's revealed you get, yet again, disappointed... Wasted potential B.Emily gets pregnant again and stops taking her pills, now *hit is getting serious... You at least hope so. But, no, the ghost still appear, do nothing and then are gone. Nate works on his painting and behaves still weird.The way in which the story is told, won't help to let you fell like it's needlessly stretched. It's repetitive and leaves a feeling of "buying time" so the film won't end after 30mins (which would have improved it to at least 6.5 starts in my opinion...).At their housewarming party Emily gets again one of those "psychomoments" and the first really mysterious thing happens. A friends dies, which is something you think would have a deeper impact on the story but isn't mentioned to much. When you recycle those boring ghost presence, make it so you think at least they'll do something. Wasted potential C.Now, finally, the end is in sight. But again, you get not a good, tight packed end which is thrilling or scary. You get the long, boring, every-move is predictable ending, which is a classical horror film ending. In the ending I see wasted potential D.The final scenes of the film are not needed if you didn't fall asleep during the final, but just in case you did, it will kinda explain it to you.Making a good horror film is hard, yes. Especially with ghost, since the genre is overloaded. But when you got such a good idea, decent actors and wasted potential don't make a film needlessly longer so you can get it to be a long-running film. This film would have been a real gem as short film, it saddens to see, how it was stretched and many things clearly made to make it easy to understand, which kind of lead to a really "see-through" storyline. In the end a film you can see with someone who is easy scared and can't take to much gore. When you see it as a couple maybe a bit more scaring than as single.
aesgaard41 "Fertile Ground" is basically the Frankenstein of haunted house movies. Basically everything in the script has been borrowed or taken from other much better ghost movies. You have the wife who is suffering loss in the form of her stillborn child, the husband who brings her out to the middle of no where "for her health" far from an unidentified rural town, she's left alone a lot for pretty much to let her imagination to run wild and for the ghosts to scare her, and as usual, the husband never believes her stories. After all, this is "his" family home. Add to all of these plot points are the rumors that he might be having an affair. However, there are some rather chilling scenes and uncovered evidence of a recurring series of murders which occur, and as predicted, all of this does occur during the date of the cycle. There are some very chilling scenes, several legitimate scares and the actors pull off fine performances, but the drawback is that the movie ends very unsatisfactory. Maybe that's the point – to create a scary ghost movie that doesn't end on a happy note or a now-what-happens scene. "Fertile Ground" might be heavily formulaic, but the direction and climax are worth the watch.
byroti You've all read the others reviews and I concur so all I wanted to do was warn anyone who is thinking about hiring this....DON'T! It's gotta be one of the most boring "horror" movies I've ever seen. I was assuming after looking at the cover and it's R ( in Australia) rating that there'd be a bit of gore and excitement.I saw all of the After Dark titles on the shelf and assumed they'd be good. With Fertile Ground I was wrong.Neither. So I don't know how it got it's rating of R. There was about as much gore or anything! Snoozefest! Pity because the actors tried or did well. The plot was just far too pedestrian.