The Convent
The Convent
R | 21 January 2000 (USA)
The Convent Trailers

A group of college students break into an abandoned convent and become possessed by demonic spirits.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
alex-wright-537-334128 It is a Low budget film, but they made it work with what they had. The characters were awesome, some great lines...funny as f*%k!!! A MUST.
danthewrestlingmanorigin Who would have thought a movie with Coolio in the cast, would get a ten rating from me? Actually Pterodactyl was pretty fun as well, maybe he's making a comeback LOL. Seriously, hopefully not. Anyways onto my review, this film delivers with a solid cast, funny script, and a kick butt heroine performance from Scream Queen Icon Adrienne Barbeau. The scene of young Adrienne shooting up the demon nuns, was priceless. The gore was all there, and got past by the censors being that the demons bleed green slime, way to stick it to the MPAA Mr. Mendez. And by the way the gay satanist, needs to be cast in more genre films, he was hilarious in this. All in all good horror fun, and if you enjoy this, I recommend the Night Of The Demons Trilogy, The Hazing, Soulkeeper, and Dead Hate The Living, which are all fun tongue in cheek horror films like this.
Zombified_660 The Convent is straight up one of the best horrors I've seen this year. It's funny, it's full of gore, it even manages to pull in some genuinely scary segments as well. The movie is best described as Evil Dead crossed with Hell Night. A bunch of high school students hole up in an abandoned convent for a pledge night prank then wind up getting attacked by zombie nuns.Director Mike Mendez obviously watched Sam Raimi's trilogy repeatedly as a kid, as the same mix of hardcore gore, hilarious one liners and gruesome zombies is here in abundance. Not only are the teen actors great and much more resilient and believable than the average 'sorority pledge' types, but the movie is home to genre veterans Adrienne Barbeau and Bill Mosely (You know, the skinny evil guy from House of 1000 Corpses!). You seriously can't lose with this movie.As you can tell, I'm stark raving mad about the Convent, it really is the daddy of the current wave of B Movie horror. It's had a lot of detractors, but how can any sane person not love a movie that throws thousands of guns, comedy Satan worshippers, horny teenagers, zombie nuns, the Antichrist and a very small dog into the mix. Check it out right now damn it.
cdlemere If you like "Dead Alive" and "The Evil Dead", you will enjoy this movie for it's tongue in cheek seriousness and cartoon like violence.The opening sequence of the movie is very hardcore and enjoyable for it's over the top violence. We find ourselves witnessing a young girl in a catholic school girl outfit beating up nuns with a bat, setting them on fire and then shooting them with a shot gun. Don't worry, this is explained on the back of the box. Fast forward 40 years and the ride begins with a group of stereotypical college students that embody all the necessary personas. My favorite character is Goth girl Mo, whose one liners really pack a punch. My only regret about this movie is that she is not the main character and we are left with the wimpy Clorissa as the main character/hero. The wannabe Goths are also really fun to watch and you can tell everyone in the movie knew they were spoofing stereotypes and that everything was meant to be funny, instead of being funny because it sucks. The filming is much better quality than most B-movie films and this is most likely due to the fact that it is a Lions Gate picture. The special effects are sub-grade but like the afore mentioned horror movies it works because it's all so silly. Fun for a group of friends.