Tremors 5: Bloodlines
Tremors 5: Bloodlines
PG-13 | 06 October 2015 (USA)
Tremors 5: Bloodlines Trailers

When Gummer is hired to capture a deadly creature terrorizing South Africa, he and his new sidekick, Travis Welker, engage in another battle of survival against the fiercely aggressive Graboids.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
TheSonomaDude_Returns I have this strange fixation on the Tremors franchise, probably one that's unhealthy. Regardless, the original film is easily in my top 5 and I could ramble for eons about its hidden genius. Its sequel, Tremors 2: Aftershocks, is surprisingly very good for a home media release, and it probably sits in my top 50 favorite films. Tremors 3 and 4 aren't as near as good as the first two and have a ton of problems, but they still have a certain charm to them: cool effects, funny dialog, great action, and Burt Gummer, who is an unsung B-movie badass hero. I've been awaiting a 5th film for years, and I figured it wouldn't happen......until I read an article in early 2015, stating Tremors 5 had gone into surprise filming in South Africa. My heart pounded out of my chest, my trembling hands nearly dropped my phone. I was a 1st grader (about 7 years old) when Tremors 4 came out, and now I was about to enter college. Was this film finally happening, with Michael Gross and all? I thought it was too good to be true, maybe a hoax or joke article. Sure enough, it's real, and so is my excitement.Then I see the director: Don Michael Paul, one of the cheapest, laziest, and overall worst modern film directors currently working. Maybe he's a nice guy, seems like it, but he is one of the worst directors I can think of. My heart stopped pounding. The guy who directed celebrated classics like Who's Your Caddy? and Jarhead 2 is now directing one of my bucket list sequels.Months past and I finally saw it after it came out. I read a lot of reviews saying it was rather good, including my local paper that called it "by far the best Tremors sequel...almost as good as the original" and after just 30 seconds of watching the film I could tell you that those claims are very misguided. So much is wrong with this train wreck. First, the monster designs are completely different. I actually think they are pretty cool, but this is not a remake or a reboot, and none of the characters seem to notice anything different. Why change the designs of the monsters in a sequel, thus breaking continuity? It'd be like if they made Gremlins 3, but the gremlins are now pink, furry, and have eight legs, and then the characters never asked why they looked different. Failed comedian Jaimie Kennedy plays Burt Gummer's sidekick, though I feel as if his role were originally written for Pauly Shore or Rob Schneider. He's about as irritating as you'd think: memes, pop culture references, shouting and overreacting about everything, completely stupid and makes situations worse, extremely annoying and pointless. The nail in the cross is, not surprisingly, the terrible direction. The film is so flat and uninteresting, with NO cool angles or engaging shots. The film could've been much, much better had the director known anything about making a cool-looking movie, or had he even cared (which I'm assuming he didn't). Everything is so unremarkable, like they just pointed the camera from the most static and basic angle and pressed record. How do people like this even get work, where idealistic college graduates are scooping gum off of diner tables just to make a living? There is only one scene in this entire film where the directing is slightly interesting, and it's like another person took over.It's a sickening world to know this film could've been much better had only a few things been changed. I think what made the other films work, even Tremors 3 which is not a good movie, is that the people who made them cared about Tremors. Don Michael Paul and his crew clearly do not care about Tremors in the slightest, as Paul even said in the commentary track that he had never seen a Tremors film until Michael Gross forced him to watch the original after filming had been completed. What a hack, and what a terrible film.Also, the film has some sort of fixation on pee. Gummer drinks pee, a character wets his pants, a girl mentions having to pee, a dude pees on a rock, a guy dies while peeing, and a lion pees on Gummer's face. Do the writers have a urine fetish? If so, maybe they should explore that and stay away from the Tremors franchise.
Charles Herold (cherold) Tremors 4 wasn't a great movie, but it had some excitement in it. The same cannot be said for Tremors 5, which has remarkably little in the way of thrills and suspense.There's also not much in the way of story or character. This time around it's basically just the Burt Gummer show, with other characters ranging from bland to irksome. And because the story soon separates into two separate threads that connect poorly, there is no real sense of momentum. And with no character development, you don't have much reason to care if these people live or die.There are a bunch of logic issues as well, and all sorts of clichés, but I don't need to name everything wrong with this movie. The point is, nothing is done very well.At the same time, it is perfectly watchable and keeps moving. So there's that. But if this is the best they can do, it's probably time to shut this thing down.
drystyx The Tremors monster series of films is all about "fun", and makes no attempt to be anything more.And this one fits right in. The title kind of gives away some of what it isn't supposed to, and it should be retitled.The hero team, as always, is made up of two guys whom most people could never identify with, but still understand the motivations for. The alienation of the audience is not as total as most "hero team" movies go. Like the rest of the series, it's a step up from the "demi-god" heroes. They aren't able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but they do have some supernatural powers, though not too many to make them unapproachable.The African trio of secondary heroes makes this a much better film, but they are put too much into the back burner. It would have been better if they were the front burner, much better.
formula_fsh If you enjoyed tremors two and three you will enjoy this film. However the characters I felt were a little less appealing around Burt and I didn't particularly like Travis who felt like he was playing Grady from the second film. The obvious appeal to this film is once again the brilliant Burt Gummer who is played by Gross and there are some fantastic one liners and moments which should get you laughing out load. I am a massive fan of old style animatronics in these films but CGI was used, however the CGI was pretty good for a film on such a budget and was wwwaaayyy better than in T3 and T4. A little like recent Bond films there are several winks to previous films in this movie which are nice but you have to be a slight anorak to get them, which might put new viewers off as they won't get the jokes. I didn't think this film is as good as the original three films as they just have a nicer "feel" to them. However I did really enjoy this film and it is w worthy addition to the franchise. I hope the make a sixth film :)