The Throwaways
The Throwaways
| 30 January 2015 (USA)
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Notorious hacker Drew Reynolds is captured by the CIA and given a proposition - work for them or spend the rest of his life in prison. Agreeing on the condition that he can form his own team, he puts together a group of "throwaways" - the people deemed expendable and seemingly the worst in the organization.

Wordiezett So much average
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Michael Ledo This is a some what formula comedy-thriller. Drew (Sam Huntington) is a hacker whose arm is twisted by Colonel Holden (James Caan) of the CIA to come work for him. Someone has the Pantheon Key which can access 80% of the world's electronics from a laptop. Drew likes to work alone, he is a bad people person, but is forced to select a team. He uses an algorithm to assemble a team of 3 misfits.Fisher (Kevin Dillon) goes into rages and likes to do damage and kill.Dmitri (Christian Hillborg) is a former Russian KGB. He runs when things get tough.Gloria (Christian Hillborg) is an agent who uses "special weapons" to get what she wants.The film takes place in Sofia, Bulgaria. There is a constant flow of action or comedy. While the film is not over powering great, it is entertaining and I think is better than the 4.6/10 rating at IMDB.Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity. Cat fight.
kosmasp Even Throwaways can be recycled. Not to be mentioned can be used anyway. One mans trash is another mans ... You probably heard that before. And you've very likely have seen this or something like this before. The actors do their best (of their abilities) to make this as fun and tension filled as possible.But there is no doubt, that almost every twist and turn is predictable. Having said that, the relationships between the characters are really neat and the action is decent for a low budget movie too. Love interest and beauties aside, this has an "old school" feel to it, that will either enhance your viewing pleasure or annoy you
owenharris This movie isn't worth the time it took me to download. For a start with the exception of the initial opening scene which had some entertaining moments there are few redeeming features. Its so bad I decided to post my first review. Borrowed plot - not an original idea in the whole movie. Scenes ripped almost completely from other movies. Borrowed characters - cardboard characters which seemed like rip-offs from other genres (Dirty Dozen) minus the acting skills. Unlikely outcomes - someone needs to explain to America that typing rapidly on a keyboard with 18 windows open isn't how the real hackers do it?Cracking serious encryption by guessing passwords and similar techniques was a gag in the 90's - doesn't really stand up in 2015. Plastic acting - for the most part the acting was poor. I got about 30 minutes in and wished I hadn't bothered. I cant tell you about the end - I didn't get that far. I'm willing to bet though that it was a cliché ending - when will the US take a leaf out of Britain's movie industry and learn to write a good ending - all the US movies seem to be more concerned that there be an opportunity for a sequel. Don't waste your time.
shinyhalo-1 This is your typical movie like "Fast and Furious" or XXX where the rebellious youths end up working for the government. It feeds the pathetic and immature desires to "fit in" and "be liked" by those more powerful than you. I'd love to see one of these types of movies go full out Rebellion for a change instead of groveling to the government for their table scraps. The pace of the movie is good and makes this an acceptable watch if you are sick one day and need a dozen movies you've never seen yet. The actors were skilled, especially the lead. The director is not responsible for the story-line either so he gets credit for making the movie a passable watch.
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