2 Lava 2 Lantula!
2 Lava 2 Lantula!
| 06 August 2016 (USA)
2 Lava 2 Lantula! Trailers

When an unprecedented amount of sinkholes erupt all over Florida, a new nest of fire spitting LAVALANTULAS is awakened… wreaking their fiery havoc all over the sunshine state.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
TheLittleSongbird Enjoyed the first 'Lavalantula' in a guilty pleasure sort of way. It was not what one calls great, but manages actually to be one of SyFy's best and more watchable films by quite some distance. Being someone who, like many, mostly hates SyFy with a passion, that's saying quite a bit. For the record, it's their compulsive badness and curiosity to see if they have the ability to make something decent once in a while keeps me watching. '2 Lava 2 Lantula' is very much an inferior follow-up, with the problems far more evident. '2 Lava 2 Lantula' is not terrible by any stretch and like 'Lavalantula' is also one of SyFy's better and more watchable films, but 'Lavalantula' had more freshness, more fire and more bite, was more focused story-wise and didn't take silliness too far, definitely easier to take as a guilty pleasure.Again, like 'Lavalantula', as far as SyFy movies go '2 Lava 2 Lantula' looks decent. Editing and photography is tighter than most SyFy movies, locations are colourful and atmospheric, the way the production is lit is less drab than usual. The creature special effects are more mixed, at some pretty they're not bad at all, at other times they're fake and over-obvious. That doesn't stop thankfully that the creatures themselves do have menace and personality, and the film again knows how to utilise them.The music score is groovy and eerie, is careful not to overshadow the dialogue and is used appropriately. The direction shows confidence.While there are worse script in SyFy films, the script is one of the weakest assets here and doesn't have as much above average quality as before. There are amusing moments and there are some neat references that will have film and sci-fi fans grinning, but it lacks snap and bite and tongue-in-cheek too often apart from some moments is replaced by campiness. Campiness that tends to grate and be overused rather than endear.It does make the mistake that 'Lavalantula' managed somehow to avoid, at times it does try too hard to be stupid and the tone and target and audience aren't as clear. The creature attacks are fun and suspenseful still though, if again lacking the scare factor. The story is even more disjointed and over-stretched and due to lacking freshness also feels predictable and derivative. Characters are not as annoying certainly as other characters in SyFy films, and there is some lively pacing. The acting is vastly inferior here, it was above average before, it was not good here. Especially Steve Guttenberg, whose uncomfortable-looking over-acting was painful to watch. The rest were nice to see, but they could have had more to do and they tend to be stale. Michael Winslow gives the best performance, he at least knows what kind of film he's in and doesn't take it seriously while also not falling on the wrong side of camp.Overall, watchable but a fairly difficult one to rate and review. 5/10 Bethany Cox
Prismark10 Lavalantula was a lot of cheesy fun, unusual for SyFy original movie. This sequel is not as good as the first one as Colton West (Steve Guttenberg) returns this time as a heroic action star because of the events of the first film.This time he is making a film in Miami and his stepdaughter Raya is sunbathing in Fort Lauderdale when lava spitting spiders spew out of the ground and attack the people of Florida.Colton with the help of his former Police Academy actors goes to rescue his daughter and with the help of the military, led by Colonel Jester (Martin Kove) he has to kill the giant gargantulantula.Because of the Miami setting there are a lot of references to Miami Vice and Scarface but you will also spot references to Crocodile Dundee, Deliverance, Terminator, Jurassic Park, Die Hard, Independence Day, Indiana Jones and a lots of other films that will keep movie geeks satisfied.It is still an enjoyable cheesy film, still better than a lot of SyFy films but an element of a rushed sequel as well.
Michael O'Keefe The Santa Monica Mountains were finally rid of fire spewing giant tarantulas with major help from action movie star Colton West (Steve Guttenberg), making him a hero for saving Los Angeles. Now while filming another big money movie this time in Florida, Colton will walk off the set with his friends to answer a distress call from his step-daughter Raya (Michele Weaver), sunbathing in Fort Lauderdale. Those lava spewing spiders are now attacking Florida. West will be forced to compete with the military, led by Colonel Jester (Martin Kove), to kill the biggest, baddest of them all...gargantulantula.Neil Elman writes and Nick Simon directs this spider fest (filmed mostly in New Orleans) that features: Michael Winslow, Lorynn York, RJ Walker, Josh Sussman, Jimmy Bellinger, Eric Etebari and Marion Ramsey.
xeta prime Seriously, who would watch this movie without knowing its absurdity so being critical is in itself a tad absurd. That said, it's way better than Sharknado 4, which is a good thing. Granted I'm only half way through and don't know the ending yet but know enough to say this is indeed a fun movie. Why does Steve Guttenberg growl and grunt? Maybe because in the film he plays an actor and he's digging the role? IDK. Not sure I care. But every now and then under his breath he speaks normally so in some way it's hysterical. The writing is witty and often times laugh out loud and for a Syfy movie that's saying something. Special effects are the usual TV sort and nothing special but in my opinion thus far and mid-way through, the script and the acting save this movie. Better than most I've seen from this channel. If you can get past the fact that we're all a bit older from our 'Academy' days you might get a spider kick out of this. Better than the first one I'd say but I may edit upon finishing.