Big Ass Spider!
Big Ass Spider!
PG-13 | 18 October 2013 (USA)
Big Ass Spider! Trailers

When a giant alien spider escapes from a military lab and rampages across the city of Los Angeles, it is up to one clever exterminator and his security guard sidekick to kill the creature before the entire city is destroyed.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
jimevarts The main character lacks some of the swagger of Bruce Campbell, but is still recklessly brave both when fighting spiders and hitting on women. His sidekick is hilarious and the two act inappropriately playful as they are nearly killed over and over. The best part of this silly film is the interaction between these two. The rest is (parodic?) science fiction tropes: the military taking over without explanation, the refusal to warn the public to avoid panic, the spider's screaming sounds, the ineffectiveness of the military weapons, the actions of the main players, etc. This could be any giant monster movie, except for the clever hero and sidekick bits. And there are a few funny news flashes that are fun. Don't get me wrong, it's very entertaining. I laughed and hooted quite a few times. What this has over syfy camp like Sharknado and Megashark vs Giant Octupus is that the characters in this movie are funnier and more self-aware a la Bruce Campbell, as opposed to the chest- thumping macho drones and generic screaming ladies in the syfy movies.
snakes3992 This movie is f***ing awesome, the premise about an exterminator faces a big giant mutant spider is pretty cool. Alex the exterminator is awesome, he's funny, he knows a lot about facing bugs, him a facing a giant spider is pretty bad ass, but the spider he is facing is not normal, it's a mutant spider. The movie also make fun of clichés that happen in every creature flick, so yeah it knows it doesn't take it self seriously, over all this movie is awesome, and it's one of favorite movies of all time, so I do recommend you see this movie, the problem I have with it's a little too short, but I hope they make a sequel.
zetes Somewhat amusing horror comedy about, well, you know. Greg Grunberg makes an affable hero as an exterminator who comes across a gigantic spider at a hospital. The Army (led by Ray Wise) soon arrives, and Grunberg hopes to kill it and collect a reward before the Army can beat him to it. Meanwhile, the spider continues to feed and grow. This pretty much follows the same template as any giant monster movie. I don't really like CGI effects, and the spider looks pretty awful. What makes this movie almost worth watching is the comedy. It is pretty funny. Grunberg teams up with a Mexican security guard (Lombardo Boyar), and the two have a pretty amusing give and take. Boyar's character might be just a tad too stereotypical, though (an appearance by some black street toughs confirms my suspicion that the director was a little too into racial humor; although, I'd guess by the name that he is Hispanic, so, I don't know, maybe it's okay?). Clare Kramer is pretty good as Grunberg's love interest, an Army lieutenant. Not bad for what it is, and it is very short.
michael-stenlund I have to say, out of 10 stars, a 7 is a good honest rating in my opinion as this was created by Mike Mendez and being the Beavis & Butthead director and storyline projector he created yet another experience on the screen which made me laugh out loud often and smile at partially funny scenes.Want a good quality comedy which is so non-serious, its a good film? See Big Assed Spider! If the title hasn't made you smile, then perhaps documentaries about watching grass grow is more exciting for you.This movie fits into the categories of films such as: Very bad things (Dark comedy), Serial Mom (Dark comedy), South Park, The movie (Comedy).