PG | 19 April 2008 (USA)
Warbirds Trailers

In the midst of World War 2, a OSS officer leads a group of female pilots on a mission to deliver a secret weapon, only to crash land on an island in the Pacific after an encounter with a deadly storm. On the island, they must not only contend with a small band of Japanese soldiers but the native inhabitants of the island as well - vicious prehistoric Pterodons.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Well, given the synopsis of this movie, then you know that chances are quite high that this is going to be one of those movies. You know what I am talking about; a low budget creature feature that lacks everything essential to even have a chance of being watchable.And "Warbirds" sort of turned out to be that kind of movie.First of all, the idea of prehistoric reptilians flying the skies in the Pacific during World War II, well it just wasn't the best of movie ideas to ever have made it to the screen. Let's just be honest. It makes for a laughable plot.Then there was the fact that for some reason the Japanese soldiers spoke English. For the sake of easy watching and listening for the audience, I get that. But when they opt to not include the original language in a movie, it just takes away so much credibility from the movie.Which leads me to the CGI. Wow, just wow. Many of the scenes that included the painfully obvious CGI animated bomber was just abysmal to bear witness to. However, it should also be said that there were actually many CGI scenes in "Warbirds" that turned out nice enough. But the ones that weren't good, were in fact so terrible that it was laughable.And the biggest problem in the entire movie had to be the Maxine West character (played by Jamie Elle Mann). Now, there was nothing wrong with Jamie Elle Mann or her performance, but the character in the movie, wow, you have got to be kidding. Not once throughout the entire course of the movie did she act like military personnel and just follow orders. No, she had to question everything and blatantly go into opposition to the order. It was so bad that it was actually a cumbersome anchor around the movie. That was really a bad idea for a movie character.Now, I mentioned that some of the CGI was actually good enough, and the movie should be praised for that part, at least. The creatures were nice enough to look at, and seemed realistic enough. Except for when they were gunned down in the sky, which they often were, there was absolutely no blood. Which I wound think there would be, given the caliber of the guns mounted on airplanes during World War II.The acting in "Warbirds" was adequate, although you shouldn't prepare yourself for anything grand.All in all, then this 2008 movie was a fairly poor excuse of a creature feature. And it is topped off with an even more laughable ending, trust me. Not overly interesting or particularly entertaining, "Warbirds" score a meager three out of ten stars rating from me.
JohnLeeT Somewhere a SyFy producer found my own original work, for which I was awarded a second place ribbon in 4th grade, and corrupted the plot just enough to ruin that inspired work entirely! My story had no women and the special effects I imagined were far superior. These are nothing close to the quality fx I envisioned if my story was adapted for the screen. Of course, I expected changes would have to be made by Hollywood for various reasons but nothing as ridiculous as what those responsible for this abomination have made. Major plot points are retained but the actors and monsters in this are cartoon like! It is just as well that they didn't credit me because I know the little boy that wrote this epic product of his imagination many years ago had enough integrity to insist that his name be removed from the film and would accept no monetary reward for this kind of trash!
haddesah This was one of those movies that are made on a cheap budget with bad actors and bad dialogue. My husband and I made some coffee, curled up on the couch, and looked forward to a good movie. Well, what a disappointment!!! We know that the movie 'Killer Tomatoes' was the worst movie ever made ~ well this we voted as the 2nd worst movie ever made!! The acting was appalling, the dialogue was really corny and cheesy, in fact we could have written the script better ourselves. We cannot believe this was only made in 2008 ~ how did it pass as a movie? We have seen better old black and white movies that are still entertaining, but this 2008 movie 'Warbirds' was not entertaining at all. Very weak indeed!
Phillemos ...some excitement would be nice. I gotta admit, this movie was a disappointment. True, this flick is typical SciFi Channel Original schlock. But given that I have a soft spot for attractive women and dinosaurs, I thought this would be a winner if for no other reason than the cheese factor. But it was just dull. An American WWII mission ends up with an emergency landing on a desolate island where some Japanese soldiers got ambushed by some killer pterodactyls. Then the Americans get a taste of Pterodactyl Pterror, all the while trying to get their planes off the island and making sure the Japs don't take advantage of the situation. The problem is, there's not enough pterodactyl action; the movie really is more fixated on the WWII angle. The pterodactyls make their presence known but at times they're a secondary plot device to the "secret mission." Hot babe Max West (Jamie Ellen Mann) and her superior Jack (Brian Krause) spend too much time arguing over whether the mission is worth it. The other girls -- Betsy, Vicky and Lana -- serve nicely as eye candy. However, the scene where green galpal Hoodsie volunteers to attempt a solo mission off the island because she supposedly weighs less than Max is a joke, because Hoodsie looks like she needs to go see Jenny Craig while Max definitely takes care of herself. When they are fighting the pterodactyls, this movie is entertaining. But there's just not enough of it. I won't give this a 1 like most people have, because this is definitely better than most crap SciFi channel puts out (i.e., "Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep," "Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy"), but "Warbirds" is only worthy of a disappointing 4.
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