Poseidon Rex
Poseidon Rex
| 18 April 2014 (USA)
Poseidon Rex Trailers

Jackson Slate, famous treasure hunter, is out to find the legendary Lost Gold Of Cortez in the open waters off a secluded island in the Caribbean Sea. Using dynamite to blast his way through centuries of silt, new chasms are created reaching miles below the ancient ocean floor. From here, an ancient evil is released, that quickly, savagely, and without warning, destroys Jackson s boat and kills his crew. The sole survivor of the carnage, Jackson teams up with marine biologist, Sarah, to venture back to the site and investigate the horrific events. They extract an egg from the darkest depths of the ocean and take it back to the lab to investigate. But when it hatches, they realise they have awaken a deadly prehistoric monster, the P-Rex, which will stop at nothing until the entire island is destroyed...

Executscan Expected more
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
GL84 While working off the coast of Belize, a deep-sea diver unearths a giant prehistoric dinosaur and must team up with several locals to help put an end to the creature's rampage through the area.Frankly this one turned out a lot better than expected and had a lot going for it. One of the main aspects here is the fact that this one goes for a much-more involved action-packed storyline than expected which is quite fun here with that generating a drive throughout here to really get this one going. There's a lot of fun in the early attacks on the patrol-boats and the gangster's attack that are quite fun due to the lack of survivors for each that keeps the creature's initial appearance a shock from the heroes. That then makes the creature's appearance at the party-boat in front of the hordes of locals all that much fun by showing it in full- view and ready to attack the party-goers stuck there makes for a rather fun scene as it sets the stage for the film's two big highlights. The first encounter in the ocean which is the battle with the armed forces who attack it with patrol boats and guns is pretty exciting as the resulting carnage attracts it to land where it attacks the series of sea-side attractions and establishments while the second is a lengthy car-chase to try to get away from the creature while there's plenty of gunfire to keep it at bay, several attacks on the car itself to get at them and finally leads into the chase through the dense woodlands which has some chilling moments to try to prevent the creature from getting to them. These are all quite fun and manage to make for a rather enjoyable time here as this allows the film a nearly non-stop relentless pace to keep on going forward. Surprisingly, this also helps the fact that the creature itself, which is clearly modeled after a true dinosaur but endowed with features and characteristics that none known dinosaurs actually possessed, to look far better than expected here when the beast isn't running around like crazy as some of these shots are far better than expected and manage to let it look pretty convincing. Still, there's the ever-present flaw in many of these movies where the creature doesn't really mesh all that well with the CGI being glaring and apparent for the most part. There's very little true interaction with the surrounding elements when it's on land and comes off rather obvious during these segments. Likewise, the fact that this one seems to be a dinosaur that features sea-monster characteristics, from the tail- webbing and spiked hands that were never a part of any dinosaurs' anatomy does make it odd about what the creature actually is or how it survived since there's nothing given about that aspect, but overall this one was quite a bit of fun.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Language.
twidgetbubblehead Well, they're getting better at hiding the fact that their movies are being produced by some poor, starving artists in Canada.Never did I see the M-16s be reloaded. I sure would love to have had a bottomless 20 round magazine on my weapon in Germany. And who would fire a small calibre round at something that big? For me, give me a 40mm quad mount.Light Anti-tank Weapons (LAW) are disposable -- unless they appear in SyFy movies. Not only do they not have to be reloaded, they don't even have a back-blast! Must be one of those Canadian modifications.The airplane in the hangar had a Canadian registration. I assume that scene was shot in Vancouver, not Belize.On to the girls. Not that I'm not a fan of pulchritude, quite the opposite. But these girls boggle the mind. Are they artificially enhanced? Are they real or are they pneumatic? Bellies that could be used for a lye soap washboard, tight waists, long legs --- time for a reality check.
TheLittleSongbird Poseidon Rex is one of those movies where you can tell that you shouldn't be expecting much from it. Even when that was taken into account, from a personal perspective it was still a load of rubbish that only has some nice scenery and underwater shots going for it. The creature, who is basically a half-dinosaur and half sea-monster, is another entry in the long line of terrible-looking SyFy creatures. There is a complete lack of fluidity in movement, texture or anything convincing in the design, and the it isn't menacing either with its "towering" presence most likely made possible by stilts. The scenes in which it appears in suffer from being hurriedly edited(in fact the whole movie looks rushed and murky-looking) and from having too much unintentional humour rather than genuine tension. The dialogue is at best trite and stilted, with the "snappy" banter marred by excessive cheesiness and wooden line delivery(the worst of them are absolute howlers). The story is very unexciting- with a fair amount of filler than could have been trimmed down or cut- and predictable stuff, anybody can smell the ending a mile off and any action comes across as heavy-handed and with overuse of fire-power. The characters are poorly developed and cardboard, they are just there and you don't know why, and some of them do some stupid things that make them even less easy to root for. The acting is very poor, with Brian Krause's lead performance lacking any kind of charisma(reading of a very last-minute replacement, Corin Nemec would have been a much better choice if it weren't for his terrible accident) while on the other side of the spectrum the obligatory stereotypical villain is played in a "hamming-it-up" style that's pretty embarrassing at times to watch. In conclusion, not the worst there is but it did come across personally as a rubbish movie- regardless of how low my expectations were- that should should be left uncovered. 2/10 Bethany Cox
Golden_Brown As a big fan of B Movies, I've seen my fair share of films about marine based dinosaurs, normally their shoehorned into being about the Loch Ness Monster, but the crew of Poseidon Rex blew most of their budget on a more exotic location, so this time we're off to Belize for our prehistoric nonsense.The plot, following a thoroughly uncharismatic swashbuckling rogue of a treasure hunter (played by Brian Krause. I've no idea what I've seen Brian Krause in before, but his appearance prompted me to blurt out "oh **** off not him again") who manages to accidentally free a hitherto unknown prehistoric predator while searching for Mayan gold. He finds himself teaming up with the Coast Guard, a busty marine biologist, 2 holidaymakers and their diving instructor to put an end to the menace before it destroys Belize.It's largely by the numbers stuff, with the only real surprise being how brutal it is with some of the main cast's mortality. We've got a villainous human more concerned by chasing Jax for his gold than the fact there's a bloody great man eating dinosaur tramping about behind him, the race against time as the military threaten overly aggressive action and the stock 'shock' ending that anyone with an ounce of self-awareness will see coming, but it's really not all that bad. I mean it's stupid (the P-Rex apparently has a mean pair of stilts to let it stand at full height over a boat in the MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN) the CGI is pants and the acting is average at best, but it has a certain honest charm to it. It knows what it is and doesn't try to do anything smart.I'd be lying if I said I ever wanted to see Poseidon Rex again, or will even really think about it the minute after I hit 'Submit' on this, but the fact it knows its place as a film about a bloody great dinosaur attacking a secluded community, yet doesn't degenerate into a horrible semi-parody that winks at the audience in a "we know this sucks, but isn't it funny?" way like the 300 Shark-variation films on the market right now really endears it to me. If you like B Movie nonsense, there are worse ways to spend a night, but at the same time you probably would be better off digging out Godzilla or The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms.