Black Panther
Black Panther
PG-13 | 16 February 2018 (USA)
Black Panther Trailers

King T'Challa returns home to the reclusive, technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda to serve as his country's new leader. However, T'Challa soon finds that he is challenged for the throne by factions within his own country as well as without. Using powers reserved to Wakandan kings, T'Challa assumes the Black Panther mantle to join with ex-girlfriend Nakia, the queen-mother, his princess-kid sister, members of the Dora Milaje (the Wakandan 'special forces') and an American secret agent, to prevent Wakanda from being dragged into a world war.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Jozo de Bogg I just can't believe positive reviews this movie got. I think I never watched such a bad, stupid and boring movie. It's just unwatchable.
yowza-yowza Both my wife and I, who have "Wonder Woman" as one of our favorite movies, struggled thru this mess last night. We were really going to shut it off after giving it a chance for 20 minutes. We held out hope, but it was a dud! Here's my impressions of the good and bad: Good: The outifts were very colorful, and the African art looked nice. Bad: 1) an advanced society that has a monarchy, has fight-challenges, and with knives and spears? 2) how does a society become so advanced when cut-off from the world? the people there are an order-of-magnitude more intelligent than others? they sure didn't act it. 3) I understand what they were trying to do with the Africanized-English accents, but it made it hard to understand the dialogue at many points, 4) because the dialogue was not clear, the plot and subplots were lost on me. All I know is that they were all related and some relaties killed each other and there was revenge ... I really didn't feel anything for these characters, so I didn't rerun the scenes on the DVD, 5) no memorable special effects, 6) no cool, great music theme. Listen to the Wonder Woman theme music and you'll hear a great tune. I wasted my time with this, when I could have been finishing up Season 14 of Survivor on Amazon Prime.
mizlaker A movie that shows a majority black cast as more than slaves and thugs. Good storyline, great acting! I've been on this planet for 30yrs and feel like "finally, a black movie that I can show my daughter and nephews that doesn't include a white master or the abuse of a black female" I can't imagine how a black person born in the 40s/50s/60s/70s felt watching this.
bridgetbreland Fine acting and pretty technicolor but this makes me doubt IMBD's rating system. The plot was so trite and had zero sense of jeapordy. Made it impossible to really care what happened. Such a shame as it obviously had a big budget. If you're looking for a good super hero movie go watch Man of Steel, Justice League, Dr Strange or both Deadpool's. This one could have been great but definitely fell short for me.