| 09 February 2018 (USA)
Still/Born Trailers

Still/Born follows Mary, a new mother who lost one of her twins in childbirth. As she struggles with the loss of one of her children, she starts to suspect something sinister is after her surviving child - a supernatural entity that has chosen her child and will stop at nothing to take it from her.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
v27678 I was surprised by all of the negative reviews. Although at times it seemed somewhat predictable, I thought the movie was well-acted and that it had a lot of truly scary moments. It was also a true supernatural horror movie instead of the gory over-the top violent kind. My only real complaint was that the depiction of the demon was too computer-generated and a little cheesy. I think it would have been scarier if it had been depicted by a real person instead of what looks like a haunted house projection prop. I liked the little twist at the very end which seemed to set up a sequel.
omendata Well I always watch my horror movies in the dark with surround sound on full and I actually found this to be quite a scary and chilling film - Certainly had the old shivers up the spine on a good few occasions.Not a bad little horror - The subject has been done a thousand times before and although this brings nothing new to the table it is quite scary and may even scare the pants off your partner - which may or may not be a good thing!Can't make out the ending though - did she sacrifice herself and save her baby or was she trying to sacrifice the other womans baby to save hers and failed hmmmmBig girls blouson - you decide? Hmmm seems two of you think I am a big girls blouse! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
manuelasaez This movie is awkward for so many reasons; teh female lead was annoying and her acting ability was severely limited, the story took a long time to get going, and the reasoning behind the events were half-baked at best and sophomoric at worst, and the lack of any serious scares really makes you wonder if the people responsible were actually setting out to make a horror film, or if they were making a drama and got caught up? It was just such an uneven mess in every possible regard, and I kept asking myself, what made this movie R-rated? Was it the excessive violence, of which there was none? Was it the nudity, of which there was none? Was it the graphic depictions of blood and gore, or which there were none? The salty language, which was tame compared to most cable networks? Nope. The sole reason this movie warranted an R-rating was for a 2 second scene where the mother looks into teh crib of her dead baby and sees a bloody mass of red blood soup with a fetus crawling around. You would have to pause the scene to really make out any details, but other than that, this movie is as teenage as it comes. It was written for and by teens, it seems, as there is nothing mature or even clever about it.It could have been a Rosemary's Baby clone, and it would have fared better. Hell, if it was a Rumpelstiltskin film, it probably would have been tolerable. But there is no rhyme or reason to the events of this film other than, "Something wants my baby!". Please save your money, time and energy and skip this travesty of cinema. Don't make the same mistake I did.
kosmasp Not just a song title from the Band Bodycount (though they have a different social message attached to that song of course), but also the premise for this movie. Well the starting point you could argue. You can say that this ticks all the right boxes (something the previous reviewer did, and that is not wrong in itself). You can also say that it goes by the numbers.That's not always a bad thing, if executed well. And this is decent enough with enough scares to keep you interested and make you wonder what is going on, or rather what is real and what not. So if you have love for horror movies and empathize easily this will float your boat all the way through ...