100 Million BC
100 Million BC
R | 29 July 2008 (USA)
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A scientist from the failed Philadelphia Experiment leads a team of Navy SEALs back in time to the Cretaceous Period to rescue the first team he sent back during the 1940s. Things go wildly awry though, when on his return he accidentally brings a giant, man-eating dinosaur back through the portal and into modern-day, downtown Los Angeles.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
lippylip26 While the premise of the movie is good one thing got thrown out of the cot completely One of the soldiers remarks at the beginning of the movie about the Grandfather paradox effect (go back in time and kill your grandfather so how could you have been born to be able to go back to kill your grandfather) If you have heard of the Butterfly Effect you will see what the problem with this movie is (Butterfly Effect - You sneeze in America and a butterfly drops dead in China - cause and effect can have repercussions farther down the line somewhere) There have been many movies where this takes place in a rational manner Please note this review mentions another time travel movie which shows the problem with THIS movie We've seen Back to the Future where Marty goes back in time and changes his future then Biff does the same thing What they do in the past affects the Future There is a movie called A SOUND OF THUNDER where this concept is explained and the repercussions of what you do in the past can drastically change the future The time travelers there go back to the prehistoric era to kill a dinosaur There is no cause and effect in the time line because they instruct the hunters not to step off the specially constructed pathway to avoid tampering with the natural flow of time The exact time they go back is set to be just before a T Rex gets swallowed up in a Bog so killing it will not affect anything in the future Just to be sure a few minutes after the T Rex is killed a volcano erupts wiping out everything there Also in order not to change the past the weapons they used are modified weapons that will not leave a trace in the past to show that they were there However on one of their trips someone steps on a butterfly and when they get back things begin to change as the revised time storms effect the future as the world evolves differently now Another movie where care is taken not to affect the past to affect the Future is Michael Chritons TIME LINE book and movie This is where 100 Million BC falls totally flat They go back into the past dressed as modern soldiers fully equipped They use 20th century clothes equipment and ammunition Half the team is eliminated ether by the plants or the animals prevalent at the time On their deaths everything is left behind including all their equipment If it didn't change the past in anyway it certainly would give archeologists a king size headache in the future wondering how twentieth century equipment and ordinance landed up so far in the pastOf course it could have been rectified by having the reason why they went back to the past cancelled out BUT as it stands at the moment this was not thought off when they sent them back to the past to rescue an earlier expedition Just a very small DEVASTATING error on the part of the movie producers
Prismark10 Dr Frank Reno (Michael Gross) once worked on the Philadelphia Experiment and his early work left some people including his brother stranded far back in time.Now in 1998 Dr Reno has got the time travel technology working properly and he along with some soldiers travel back millions of years to the early Cretaceous period so he can rescue the team from the 1949 expedition.Dr Reno's team arrives a few years after the time when the 1949 team arrived and they manage to find a few survivors. The soldiers themselves are attacked and some of the are killed by prehistoric creatures.What is left of the two groups of survivors return to the present day but they also manage to bring a T-Rex who follows and causes havoc in present day America.Meanwhile Dr Reno who stayed behind on the pre-historic period somehow time hopped to 1950 and meets up with his younger self and tells him how to use the time technology properly before dying.Young Dr Reno assembles a crack squad of soldiers and leads them through the portal to 1998 where they take on the rampaging dinosaur and send him back through time.Well at the least the film has a plot, some of it rips of Jurassic Park 2 with the dinosaur on the loose. The special effects are poor and so is the acting. Despite the efforts put into the story the script is bad.Another Asylum stinker.
charpy321 This film puts all of todays modern CGI to shame, Man of Steel eat your heart out! The detail makes you feel as though the play dough looking dinosaurs are really in your room.But its not just the visual aspects of this film which make it so great it has a flowing plot line which would embarrass most comedy sketch shows, one of the most complex and meaningful stories I've come across.It doesn't end there though what really makes this film is the early 20th century robots they employed to act in this film (however they were slightly let down by their 20:20 vision when trying to read off the autocue behind the camera, even I admit there were some momentary glitches!!)This is must for all those film fans who appreciate films such as apocalypse now, the godfather trilogy or shawshanks IT IS ON PAR WITH THOSE!!!
mikey_themonkey I give movies like this (and fan-made Star Trek films) a 1 star rating. If they had a negative rating, I'd give that.I would have given it a 2 had Michael Gross not worn his glasses in such a "I'm way smarter and older than you", edge of his nose kind of way.I'd like to know where the people who were initially transported back got their furs. They must've found a whole bunch of mice and sewn their skins together to make a coat.So, a SEAL team goes back in time with nary more than the shirts on their back and minor caliber weaponry. No bullet-proof vests, no armor of any kind. Did they not see Jurassic Park? I mean, they went into a situation more well-prepared in Aliens and they got their butts kicked.
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