The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure
The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure
G | 13 December 1994 (USA)
The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure Trailers

This time, while building a hideaway in their new home of the Great Valley, Littlefoot and the gang rescue a mysterious egg from two scheming egg-nappers and make a starling surprise - and new friend - when the egg hatches.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Emma Jones So I decided to watch this again and of course, for the second LBT movie it is way below the standard and beauty of the first movie. It is a bit boring at first but seems to get better as the movie goes on. There is an interesting theme of 'sympathy for the devil' as well which is probably the best part of the movie along with themes of tolerance for an innocence that could so easily turn on you and make you into dinner. Of course, most children will not mind this film but watching as an adult (although I am a bit childish myself), it isn't as great as I used to think it was. I think this is partly because the plot is a bit all over the place and seems to be lacking in some areas. Of course, no sequel can ever be as good as or beat the original because Don Bluth had no further part to play in any of these sequels. Overall I would give this movie a 5.5/10.
Punk19 The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure, directed by Roy Allen Smith, is a worthy sequel to the original The Land Before Time. The graphics are so stunning and the voice work is done to perfection. It just makes both you and your children love the series even more.Ozzy (Jeff Bennett) and Strut (Rob Paulsen) are egg stealer's who have just stolen an egg. Littlefoot (Scott McAfee)and his friends Cera (Candace Hutson), Petrie (Jeff Bennett), Ducky (Heather Hogan) and Spike stop them from making off with the egg, and decide to return it to its mother. When they do they discover that the egg isn't from the mother dinosaur.So the crew decides to parent the egg, but when it hatches they discover it is a sharp tooth. They run but all come back. Before the fun gets to good the baby sharp tooth's parents show up and take their son back. They also get back at the egg stealer's when they attempt to steal their baby.This is also the first in the Land Before Time videos to have songs. Peaceful Valley, Eggs, and You're One of Us Now. This is a movie for everyone in the entire family, young and old. This is followed by ten sequels.
----- Skaer'scinth I am very loyal to ALL l.b.t films. It would be an insult to the director who probably just admired the first film and was probably eager to put his efforts into this sequel to tell him that his film is no good. Don's work cannot be matched by Roy's or Charles', but they gave their best work into the chain of sequels. The Great Valley Adventure is a charming treasure to both young and old(UNDERSTANDING old guys, okay?). The songs may be a bit irritating, but that he story is captivating and the it has a dose of laughter for young 'uns. At the very least, it will give you more than an hour of contentment with (SPOILERS AHEAD)the baby Rex Chomper and the fresh new villains Ozzy and Strut, plus the sharp-tooth duo. I do think that the song "Eggs" is at least amusing and that the sharp-tooth battle was worth seeing. Bye for now... I hope I didn't give too much away, I didn't know if that would be counted as a spoiler, but just in case...
Cylex Chomper is a cute new character who steals the film. The villains comprise of two egg stealers & two Sharp Tooths. The plot is overlong but enjoyable. Perhaps the inclusion of songs was a mistake but they're not too annoying. If you loved the original then you'll be happy to meet the characters again. I certainly was. 6/10
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