The Harvey Girls
The Harvey Girls
NR | 18 January 1946 (USA)
The Harvey Girls Trailers

On a train trip out west to become a mail-order bride, Susan Bradley meets a cheery crew of young women traveling out to open a "Harvey House" restaurant at a remote whistle-stop.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
jvanderwalt5 I just saw this movie today for the first time on TcM and I must say it was as beautiful as I hoped it would be. I am a huge fan of Judy garland and watched a lot of her movies ex.The wizard of Oz,a star is born,summer me in st Louis and for me and my gal loved all of them. Now back to the Harvey girls the song are cheery and you can sing along easily. It's your typical love triangle movie 2 girls are in love with the same man one popular and one clumsy the one girl new him for years and the other just met him. What would overrule popularity or Love find out by watching this stunning musical with a unforgettable Judy garland
vincentlynch-moonoi This is a good, but in my view, not great, musical. In it, a group of "Harvey Girls" (of the real and quite famous Harvey House restaurants along the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad lines) get off at the New Mexican town of Sandrock to open a new Harvey House. Among them are mostly young beauties, but also Marjorie Main, who is a hoot in this film, and Selena Royale, a once possible flame of Spencer Tracy's in his theater days. They meet up with Judy Garland, who is on her way to meet and marry a man whose flowery love letters overwhelmed her after answering a "lonely hearts" ad. Of course, the man turns out to be rather unsuitable -- it's cowboy Chill Wills...who turns out perfect for Marjorie Main (of course). But, she falls in hate and love and hate and love (you get the picture) with John Hodiak, the owner of a saloon. Garland becomes a Harvey Girl, and their defacto leader in their fight to maintain the restaurant. Who's the bad guy? Well, primarily a bad girl -- Angela Lansbury, along with the local judge. In the end, Lansbury turns out to be rather sweet, and Garland and Hodiak get married in the flowering desert.The problem with this film are some of the actors chosen for key roles. I've been impressed with John Hodiak in some films, but here...well, not quite. And, Ray Bolger was disappointing here. Virginia O'Brien, who is usually quite good, disappeared halfway through the film because she became noticeably pregnant.That's not to say there are not some good performances, as well. Judy Garland is super, as is Angela Lansbury (though her singing is dubbed). Marjorie Main and Chill Wills do nicely, too.As I indicated, this is a good MGM musical, but not one of its best. Worth a watch, but except for fans of Garland, probably not one to reserve a spot for on your DVD shelf. Although the color is fantastic!
zetes Okay, if unmemorable, Western-based musical starring Judy Garland. The main reasons to watch it are for her and the Oscar-winning song, "On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe", which, even if the name doesn't ring a bell, if you heard the tune, you'd recognize it. Ray Bolger reunites with Garland as the town's new blacksmith. He has some amusing dance numbers. Also, a very young Angela Lansbury. There's nothing much else to the film. The other songs are forgettable. They must have known this, since the Oscar winner keeps reappearing in the underscore throughout the picture. John Hodiak is a terrible choice for Garland's enemy-but-soon-to-be-beloved. I could never get past that shark grin. Marjorie Main annoys with her scratchy voice. For some reason, the filmmakers think it's hilarious to have her contribute to several of the musical numbers. It sounds like she underwent torture. All in all, it's amiable, but not really worth the time.
Jem Odewahn I really enjoyed this one, perfect hot lazy Saturday afternoon entertainment for me. Judy Garland as always is a treat to watch. This time the songbook isn't too memorable (apart from that great ensemble number near the beginning), and John Hodiak is sort of creepy as her leading man (his teeth and moustache look weird--he has none of the earthy sexuality of "Lifeboat"), but nevertheless I thought it was pretty good. It had enough humour, spots of melodrama and light musical numbers to keep me interested throughout. Plus, the colour is gorgeous, looking fantastic there on my HD TV. A young Cyd Charisse plays one of the "Harvey Girls", and she doesn't really get much of a chance to display her dancing talents, but she's still lovely to watch. Hard to believe Angela Lansbury was so young when she made this movie (early 20's I believe). Why did they turn her into a madam before her time? George Sidney, reliable MGM hand, directs and it's some of the best work I've seen from him yet. Apart from the ballads, the musical numbers are very fluid.