The Land Before Time
The Land Before Time
G | 18 November 1988 (USA)
The Land Before Time Trailers

An orphaned brontosaurus named Littlefoot sets off in search of the legendary Great Valley. A land of lush vegetation where the dinosaurs can thrive and live in peace. Along the way he meets four other young dinosaurs, each one a different species, and they encounter several obstacles as they learn to work together in order to survive.

Organnall Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Asad Almond A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
joshfedderson The Land Before Time was one of my favorite movies growing up, and it still is. The magic of this timeless adventure never gets old and when I watch it, it brings back a lot of memories. This movie (and Jurassic Park) is what got me to love dinosaurs in the first place.This story comes from the minds of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg and I have to say it is one of their greatest cartoon movies that I have ever seen. The story is about a young brontosaurus who's family is traveling to a paradise on earth known as the great valley, but trouble comes when a "Sharp tooth" or Tyrannosaurus Rex attacks, injures his mother, and she eventually dies. Now alone, Little Foot as he is known journeys on his own and eventually runs into Cera a Triceratops, Ducky a duck billed dinosaur, Spike a Stegosaurus, and Petry Pteranodon. Together they journey and have there ups and downs but eventually become good friends. And Together they defeat Sharp Tooth and make it to the great valley.This childhood classic will never get old for me and no matter how old I get I will continue to watch it. And hopefully I can share it with my own children someday. It's a good movie and a good story, kids might get frightened with Sharp Tooth as the film makes him out to be kind of scary, but all in all it's a good story that teaches life lessons of not giving up, friendship, having to not always be right and making mistakes, and having hope for the future. I consider this Lucas's and Spielberg's greatest Kids film, the part where Little Foot loses his mother is heartbreaking and one of the most sad parts of the film. But The Land Before Time is a fun adventure that you will not only love but your kids will love. 10/10 for The Land Before Time
interrealm I had very fond memories of watching "The Land Before Time" - well over 20 years ago. It was a very simple, easy to follow, and very subtly a teaching moment type of movie. Of course, being a child of around 6 years of age at its release, the teaching moment was simply "DINOSAURS! COOOOL!!"Fast forward a couple of decades. Having scrolled through a vast online movie depository - come on, does it matter which one? - the title "The Land Before Time" triggers a memory. "D-D-D-D-DAAANGEE- E-E-RRRR!" Hmm. My kids are at school - I say let's board the bus and go hit up memory lane!Two days later, after having watched it twice myself, once with my two kids - twice - I started deeply analyzing why this had struck such a chord. I could find absolutely nothing I disliked, nothing that my adult sensibilities would have outgrown. The characters were as innocent, innovative and wily as I had found them to be so long ago. The animation is lively, seamless and warm. The painted backgrounds are vivid, colorful and primal. The score serves to solidify the personalities, the predicaments and the victories of the characters that it is underpinning. The voice acting, especially the youngest of the cast, is heartfelt, brought to life by talented children who, by all accounts, loved their involvement in the production.The combination of Bluth, Goldman, Pomeroy, Spielberg, Lucas and Horner at the helm produced a beloved, classic and timeless movie that nearly 30 years of age has done absolutely nothing to tarnish. No wonder, then, that it was the highest grossing animated film of the, well, time!My children are fond this movie, sure...but I like to think that I found a conduit to my own happy childhood memories, amplified when my kids come in close and accompany me on that memory lane field trip. At this rate, they might tire of "The Land Before Time" sooner than their father. It's a chance I'm willing to take!"The Land Before Time" gets 10 of 10 stars.
Mr-Fusion Despite the commercial aspect of a kids dinosaur movie, there's welcome depth to "The Land Before Time"; five lost children dealing with hard knocks in an unforgiving climate. Surprisingly grim for this audience; most of the movie is set in a barren wasteland, and the journey to nourishment is a tremendous test of faith (while the movie slips in themes of friendship, the circle of life - "Lion King", pfft - and even racism). Not to mention loss, and the filmmakers are more than happy to pluck the heartstrings. I honestly didn't think this movie would be nearly as affecting as it was in the '80s. It holds up beautifully; good characterization, gorgeous animation, and genuine peril.Don Bluth had a gift, man.8/10
Jerghal I know what people are going to say: you had to see it as a kid. And that's probably right because it found it too cutesy and mellifluent. The story is simple: little dino loses mother. Gets separated from grandparents. Must get to green valley trough desolate land with some sidekicks. Gets there. The end. After The Black Cauldron (my favorite Disney film as a kid, I loved the dark undertone) the director almost p*ssed his pants coz he thought this movie was going to be to dark for kids. They even got a psychologist to approve the death scene of the mother dino (I'm not kidding, look on Wikipedia). The landscape is a bit grim but the film isn't really. The Land Before Time spawned 13 (!) sequels which were allegedly so colorful and glee it made kids puke on their TV screens. So that means this one is probably the only one worth seeing...for your kids. They'll probably weep. Good for them. Get's them to learn the true meaning of death. That's what dino films are for innit