PG | 21 November 2008 (USA)
Bolt Trailers

Bolt is the star of the biggest show in Hollywood. The only problem is, he thinks it's real. After he's accidentally shipped to New York City and separated from Penny, his beloved co-star and owner, Bolt must harness all his "super powers" to find a way home.

2hotFeature one of my absolute favorites!
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
anapalmathsberry-91854 It was alot better than i thought,at the start i wasnt sure i didnt think i was going to like it. 15 mins into the movie got intresting and if your an animal lover then im almost certain you will like it. there were a few sad parts,but most of it was an epic adventure im not going to forget it anytime soon. i did wish the film was on for allitle bit longer,but i dont regret renting this movie one little bit!
efoylell I love this more than popcorn and I reallyy love popcorn. yasssss bolt slayyyyyyyyyy
Anssi Vartiainen Lets face it, the early 00s were not kind on Disney. The Renaissance was over, their loyal target audience was in college and thus not interested, Pixar was doing the whole CGI thing way better than them and all in all they seemed to have lost their touch. Until this film. Oh sure, it's still very much like something Pixar would have done and a bit missing on that Disney magic, but it's still a very good film that allowed them to get back on their feet.And when I say it's something Pixar would have done, I mean that in a good way. Kind of. The plot features a dog, raised to believe he has genuine superpowers, suddenly being separated from his loyal owner Penny and now having to make his way back across USA to reunite with her. All the while having to learn that the world does not in fact play by his rules. Sounds like a Pixar movie, doesn't it. But then again, Pixar is a great film studio so that's not exactly an insult.And the story and the characters are very good in their own right. Bolt, the eponymous main character, is very gruff and no-nonsense, but also delightfully naïve about the realities of the world, while Mittens, his new cat sidekick/helper/kidnap victim is pretty much the exact opposite. And then there is Rhino, a hamster trapped in a plastic ball and also one of Bolt's biggest fans. Rhino is awesome.And yeah, it's kind of silly that I keep complaining about the fact that it's so much a Pixar film. It does make it seem a bit artificial in a way, because you know that they're copying much of their good material. But it's a good film, when all is said and done. Do see it, if you have the chance, is what I'm saying.
Pleahy97 John Travolta plays a dog in this movie. Normally this movie would be nothing special, just a cute little kids film to show your children. But because the dog is voiced by John Travolta himself, that makes the film an absolute must watch for any breathing thing.He truly steals the show in this flick, as he does in every movie he's ever starred in. He enthralls the audience with yet another one of his Oscar worthy performances that movie-goers of future generations can look back at with the same amount of amazement as we do today. The very presence of John Travolta's voice is enough to watch this film at least twenty times a year.