Where the Red Fern Grows
Where the Red Fern Grows
G | 21 June 1974 (USA)
Where the Red Fern Grows Trailers

Billy Coleman works hard and saves his earnings for two years to achieve his dream of buying two red-bone coonhound pups. He develops a new trust in life as he faces overwhelming challenges in adventure and tragedy roaming the river bottoms of Cherokee country with his dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann.

ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
fivexchamps A movie so steeped in virtue it's breathtaking. An absolute American masterpiece that enriched the lives of all that had the honor to view it.
Christopher Edward Orcutt In the movie Where the Red Fern Grows a young boy named Billy goes on an adventure with nothing but determination and the hope God will met him half way in his journey to get two hunting dogs. Along his journey he meets a few people who antagonize him along the way and a few moral dilemmas. I enjoyed it for the most part I don't usually get too into older movies before my era such as this one my generation is pretty spoiled with our pointless easy access to everything killing most of if not all imagination. This movie was a emotional journey following the life of this young boy who's goals are set achieved and destroyed in the end you can really feel for his character with his dogs dying if you've ever owned a pet who's passed away or been put down I feel like the acting could have been a little better but for a child actor he was stupendous I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even have a southern accent in really life. I'd watch this movie once but the end was a little anticlimactic I feel it could have had more emotion. As a child I'd probably have eaten this movie up and wish I could have enjoyed it then rather then so much later.
alpurl I'm hoping that this doesn't spoil it much, if at all, but...If this flick doesn't make you shed at least one tear, one has to wonder, did you cry when Old Yeller died? It's been a coon's age since I've seen this movie or read the book. But, it's one of my favorites, and will forever remain there.It's pretty much the classic tale of childhood, love, faith, and loyalty. But, that's where it ends.This isn't about childhood lifelong love in the sense of boy vs girl.Billy is a young boy who sees an ad for hunting dogs. He spends a year saving up for the pups, and travels a long distance alone on foot to get the dogs. This trip alone is an adventure, but not the center of the story.Billy trains the pups, Old Dan, and Little Anne to be coon dogs, for hunting raccoons. This is the beginning of their escapades.The love and bond between the three, Billy, Old Dan, and Little Anne, shows throughout the movie. Near the end of the movie, you see just how strong it is when the two dogs make the ultimate sacrifice.The tail end of the movie will leave you in tears and thinking of the original legend of the Red Fern.In my belief, it's a MUST-SEE movie, but is well worth it.I love it, and hope the new one is at least as good as the original. I haven't seen the one for 2003 yet.
arwayjr Today's young people should really take a look a look at this family movie. The morals and the lessons learned are very good. The story is simple, a boy and his dogs. What's important about this film is how different life was without television, cellphones, the internet, children did chores and helped their parents, and listened to what their parents had to say. The film is good, the acting okay, the animal scenes are very good, a good wholesome film. If your kids are acting up, force them to watch this movie, and then they will appreciate on how easy they have it. I liked the movie because it takes place in Oklahoma, rural Oklahoma, far from major cities like Tulsa. Life was simple then, and family values were high, I especially liked when Billy spent the extra ten dollars on his family, rather then spend it on himself, try getting your kids to do the same, I really doubt that would happen these days. I haven't seen the remake of this film, but it would have to be awfully good to top this one.