Monsters vs Aliens
Monsters vs Aliens
PG | 26 March 2009 (USA)
Monsters vs Aliens Trailers

When Susan Murphy is unwittingly clobbered by a meteor full of outer space gunk on her wedding day, she mysteriously grows to 49-feet-11-inches. The military jumps into action and captures Susan, secreting her away to a covert government compound. She is renamed Ginormica and placed in confinement with a ragtag group of Monsters...

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
El-Dod The characters of the movie is very funny weird all of them especially Bob. The movie has a lot of comedy in it. The story is good and music is good tough the movie had some problems. Other characters weren't necessary as the president. Can't be compared to more professional animation movies but in the end a good one indeed. 6.5/10
Luis Miguel This may not be an all-time animated classic like Bambi or Secret of Nymh, but it's good for passing the time for an hour and a half, which is all I'm sure it was setting out to do. The lead, voiced by Reese Witherspoon, is sympathetic enough to keep us invested in the story.The supporting cast is great and what really makes this movie entertaining. There's Seth Rogen as a living blob of mush, Hugh Laurie as a mad scientist turned giant bug, and even Kiefer Sutherland as a General.Plenty of laughs, especially thanks to Stephen Colbert as the President of the United States. Recommend it if you want something to watch with the family.
Nick Staehling I'd like to start by addressing any kids reading this review; get the Fuckk off "The Boards" you little assholes. In the past i have posted many reviews that would not be suitable or understood by the young ones and the last thing i need is to talk another 10 year old through masturbation on skype. One of the main reasons i did not like this movie is because of Regal Cinemas. For starters, i'm 100% sure there was multiple puddles of dried semen on my Real D glasses. When i asked "Monica" who was an employee at the time for another pair, she told me to stop busting her balls. Since i was at Regal of course to my right and left there were families from Somalia who heckled the vast majority of the movie in some third world language. The actual movie was the worst part of the entire experience. I sat through 94 minutes of sheer garbage and was bothered by an on again off again boner that returned in every major fight scene. Overall, the movie had an ongoing message that taught kids it's OK to be different, which is just not true. In actuality if you are different at all you deserve every bit of the cruel and creative sexual harassment techniques of today's youth. I would bet my left foot that there is a sequel on the way that will go straight to DVD and that it will be bought only by the Carvalho family. In closing, I'd like to say on my way out of the Theater a concession stand employee tried to sodomize me behind the arcade. Oh and since i have some extra characters i'd like to make an unrelated prediction. In the next 4-7 years Maya Kirkpatrick will gain 160 pounds.
crisscross40 I saw this on its opening weekend and still get a kick of it when it comes on pay TV.3D seems to work less often than you'd think. But I think this one uses it really well. The fight on the Golden gate is pretty sweet, at least in the theater it was.the actors that were given the parts for their animated characters were chosen well. Seth Rogen in particular.With all the movies that get sequels, i'm mighty surprised this one didn't. seemed to please adults and kids.Recommended for sure.