Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space
Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space
PG | 01 April 2009 (USA)
Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space Trailers

Susan Murphy (a.k.a. Ginormica) and the Monsters are now working with the US government as special ops. So when an alien presence is detected in Susan's hometown of Modesto, California -- right before Halloween -- the team is dispatched to investigate. Everything appears normal, right down to the jack-o-lanterns peering out from every doorstep and windowsill. But when Halloween arrives, those innocent-looking carved pumpkins reveal themselves for what they really are mutant aliens. The altered pumpkins then start to implement their fiendish plan to take over Earth. The Monsters are there to combat the mutant gourds and try to smash their wicked scheme!

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Michael Ledo This is a delightful short feature (27 minutes) of mutant pumpkins vs. monsters. This would make a great seasonal family film for the kids as it lacks the traditional frightening features of traditional movies at this time. The movie starts out with aliens accidentally mutating pumpkins in Modesto, by disposing of their waste. The monsters are called on to save the world. The mutant pumpkins eat candy.Most of the humor is geared toward the younger crowd, with only a few jokes that only mom and dad might get. "If they give you candy, they are human. If they want to probe you, they are probably an alien."
Horst in Translation ( And Reese Witherspoon right in the middle of it as voice actress of the main female character. She gets help from a whole bunch of familiar male actors too, basically everybody who appeared in the full feature film from which these 20 minutes are a spin-off. Fairly spectacular cast for a short film. But that is also all there is to it pretty much. Monsters and aliens unite to fight evil pumpkins in this Halloween special. The writer is not too known and for director Peter Ramsey it was also the first work behind the camera. He went on to direct "Rise of the Guardians" a couple years later. I did like the looks of the evil gigantic pumpkin monster, but the jokes pretty much fell flat in here almost from start to finish. Definitely not on par with other monster movie releases, such as "Monsters University" or "Hotel Transsylvania". However, I am only talking about this short film here. Maybe the full feature is more interesting. I have not seen this one, but the monsters in these 20 minutes here are not that interesting to me unfortunately. That's why I cannot recommend it. However, if you liked the feature really a lot, you can give this one a try here. Or check out the television series. No idea if they will ever make a second movie. If they do, I just hope, it will be better than this short one here. Not recommended.
MartinHafer I was not a huge fan of the original "Monsters Versus Aliens", so my expectations for this short film were relatively low.The show begins with a spaceship dumping its toilet waste on a pumpkin patch. Then, abruptly, the scene switches to the headquarters where the monsters live--with the usual banter between the characters from the original film. It's all interrupted when the General announces SOMETHING weird is happening in Modesto and the team needs to see what's they can do. Apparently, the pumpkins from the infected patch are BAD--and planning on doing...well, tune in for yourself to find out what happens next.Overall, the CGI is pretty good and the characters rather enjoyable. I particularly liked seeing Bob trick-or-treating. Unfortunately, the plot wasn't particularly good. In other words, when the film resorted to a plot, it was a lot less fun. All in all, the kids will probably love it and the adults will find it a bit too much.
Gordon-11 This film is about monsters saving the world by fighting mutant pumpkins that came from a UFO."Monsters vs Aliens: Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space" is a fun short animation. The plot is very simple, as not much can be packed into 20 minutes anyway. It tells how people prepare for Halloween, and the plentiful Halloween themes and decorations make the short animation appear very festive. I have a feeling that it is geared towards very young children, judged by the abundance of candies and sweets. Which young child does not dream of being forcibly fed non stop by a candy cannon?