Three Little Pigs
Three Little Pigs
NR | 27 May 1933 (USA)
Three Little Pigs Trailers

The two pigs building houses of hay and sticks scoff at their brother, building the brick house. But when the wolf comes around and blows their houses down (after trickery like dressing as a foundling sheep fails), they run to their brother's house. And throughout, they sing the classic song, "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?".

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
gavin6942 When a hungry wolf starts blowing down some pigs' houses, they take refuge in their sensible brother's brick house.In many ways, this film is the definitive version of the three little pigs story. I suspect (though I may be wrong) that this was the first time "Who's Afraid of the Bid Bad Wolf" was ever sung, or at least sun on film. This had to be influential, because we still sing the song today (2015).I am a bit sad the anti-Semitic part has been cut. I mean, of course I understand why. But it seems that for historical purposes it ought to be kept in. We like to think that the only people who were anti-Semitic in the 1930s were the Germans, but that is not close to the truth. Americans were in many ways just as bad.
Michael_Elliott Three Little Pigs (1933)**** (out of 4)Disney's adaptation of the Grimm fairly tale is certainly one of the highlights of their early animated films. The story is pretty simple as three pigs are building a house. The two who builds it out of straw and sticks are free to play around more but the one building with brick has to work even harder. The two lazy pigs think it's quite funny until a wolf shows up and their lack of work comes back to haunt them.THREE LITTLE PIGS is certainly one of the best animated shorts from this era of Disney and it's amazing when you think of the fact that when people think of the story, their ideas come from this short and not the Grimm tale. That says quite a bit because the story itself was quite popular before this short but ever since it was released people think of this short when the idea of three little pigs come along. The animation is as great as you'd expect and there's no question that there's a certain flow in the story that just makes it irresistible. Fans of Disney and animation will certainly love and remember this one.
Foreverisacastironmess Well I sure-as-sugar thought it was!!! Three ugly annoying pigs constantly showing off their gross pink little pig fannies,(butts) are menaced by a wolf who at least had the decency to wear pants! I just thought this whole rotten excuse for a silly symphony was stupid and babyish, especially when the pigs prance around like little idiots and sing "who's afraid..." I know in a way all the Disney shorts are for children, but I really found myself hating this one. I found the pigs to be so irritating that I was rooting for the freaking wolf! I thought he was a good baddie. Those great big teeth he has and that bogeyman outfit he wears mark him as "evil". It would have been a pleasure to see him catch the little blighters and "wolf"(ha-ha) them down in great bloody chunks! And the bit where the wolf disguises himself as a negative Jewish stereotype-whoa, that is just TERRIBLE that's REALLY gonna bring about the fall of mankind that is(!) If, like me, anyone's watched this rubbish cartoon and not enjoyed it whatsoever, I would suggest you go and watch the final episode of Tales from the Crypt:The Third Pig. It will ease the pain. Ridiculously overrated, I must say. For me it ties with Terrible Toreador as the worst silly symphony that I've seen, it sure sent me squealing all the way home...
zetes As for the censored version the last poster refers to, I've never heard of that, and the supposedly censored version is the one on the new Silly Symphonies DVD. Anyhow, this is one of the most famous of the Silly Symphonies, going so far as to inspire the title for the Edward Albee play (and subsequent Mike Nichols movie) Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. The music just bops in this short, and kids are likely to bop along to it. It's very funny, and very cute. But note the dark little joke in the corner: there is a picture of the pigs' mom and another of their dad. Mom is a sow with piglets suckling on her. Dad, however, is a line of sausages. You might have missed that one if you were not paying attention. Any you definitely missed it if you saw it as a little kid! 10/10.