Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
PG | 11 March 2018 (USA)
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie Trailers

After the conclusion of the Battle City Tournament, deep below the sands of Egypt, an ancient evil has awakened. Anubis, who was defeated centuries ago by Yugi’s mysterious alter ego – the ancient Pharaoh – has returned for revenge. Wielding the power of the Eighth Millennium Item, Anubis is determined to destroy Yugi and take over the world.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
TheLittleSongbird I know I am going to be flamed for this opinion, but I never have been a fan of the show, I found it repetitive and predictable with characters I didn't care for. Yu-Gi-Oh! is not the worst animated movie ever, or the worst movie ever, but I didn't like it very much either.It does have one outstanding asset, and that was the soundtrack. That is memorable and fits so well with the movie. However, the film is too short and unevenly paced dragging in the not-so-important parts and feeling rushed in the more action-packed moments.Action wise, Yu-Gi-Oh! comes across as rather generic. There was nothing of big surprise and I just wasn't entertained by it. The animation is flat for me, lacking the ethereal quality in the backgrounds and some of the little details such as the hair was done in an inconsistent way too.The dialogue is poor, I never found myself moved, amused or amazed by it, and while the concept did intrigue me and there are one or two semi-decent scenes the whole story is predictable and dull and holds no correlation to the show at all.The characters didn't engage me, even the title character and I found the villain insipid, also there is next to no character development. Then there is the voice acting, which was equally bland across the board.All in all, I can understand why people like it but sorry it wasn't for me. 2/10 Bethany Cox
cavalier211 This movie is so bad it's beyond belief. If you want to watch a 90 minute commercial for YuGiOh, feel free... as if a 90 second one wasn't bad/boring/annoying enough.Japanese animation, not particularly impressive to begin with, continues its unimpressive reign among lousy movies meant to sell Japanese toys.How could ANYBODY find this entertaining whatsoever?? Or spend money on this crap??? EVEN seven year olds???? My five year old cousin already thinks YuGiOh is stupid...Further proof that NOBODY SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO MAKE A MOVIE BASED ON A TOY!!
MisterWhiplash Suddenly this movie came back to me in a flash- of what I tried to watch of it, anyway. At the time I actually saw it in the theater (snuck in of course), hoping maybe that the film might be slightly different from the one-sided approach on the TV show that makes Pokemon look like Miyazaki. I knew that there was also a whole big trading card side to the whole shebang, but that maybe the filmmakers might forgo that for an actual story or at least one or two characters to have some sort of interest in (at least in Pokemon there was the villains out to stop Pikachu and those other kids). After about 30 minutes of the film, I started to get the same sensation I felt having seen Digimon in the theater years before- the sensation of being numbed by over-the-top, hideous displays of anime via lots and lots and lots of battles between characters that I couldn't give a hoot about. So much is invested into making the card-players with their animals fight off incredibly stylish and colorful, which here and there it was, they forgot that they're making a movie. If it was something just short and small to show at an anime or comic-book convention, fine, but not for 90 minutes! After said 30 minutes, I did a rarity on my part which was to walk out, feeling that even though something was sort of going on with the character of Yugi- going into Egypt for some rare creature to face off or whatever- there wasn't anything really to see more of that I didn't already get bombarded with already. It's got more flashy gimmicks than a magician hopped up on 10 cups of Starbucks, but nothing really goes on that redeems all of this with content. For the fan-boys of the series or the cards or maybe for the most die-hard of (KIDS) anime shows and flicks it might be worth a look, or a glance, though its current status on the IMDb bottom 100 is not really without merit. Pretty disposable as I remember it.
kittenkagome All I hear is people from two different extremes. Purist that thinks anything that touches the English language is evil, and people who think this is a kiddy advertising ploy. Both are wrong.4kids made the movie, keeping in mind it would be in Japanese. Even if they animated the famed 11 minutes, they didn't have to use it in their version. I don't care or not if I see pegasus drinking, or some card swinging their boobs around.I read from one poster here on IMDb that they (the English and Japanese versions)are two completely different movies. Wrong wrong wrong, oh,and wrong.I actually have insight into how things are dubbed. Sentences are going to change. Dumb jokes are going to replace cultural jokes that we in the states wouldn't get. I already know some of you are readying to post, saying that I'm tearing apart the essence of all things Japanese. If you hate it sooo much here, please move to Japan so you don't have to worry about it. I'm so annoyed by purists I'm tempted to buy the plane ticket.As far as the series is concerned, they basically cut out the occasional language, slutty looking cards and Joey, Tristan, and Yugi's tendency to be perverted. Pegasus didn't drink (though anyone with half a brain knew better, they didn't hide it that well) and..thats about it. Don't post nitpicking individual instances, because in the end its going to end up under one of those categories. And none of that "Seto would say this, wouldn't say this, bleh bleh bleh." Yes he would. I know he makes more shots at Yugi in English. I'm over it.I'll admit 4kids isn't the best people to dub in the world, but they are by no means the monsters that they are usually portrayed as. Except for a few things in season one they did a good job dubbing the Yugioh series, and the movie as well (WHICH THEY HAVE FIRST RIGHTS TO, SORRY!)I'll happily watch my 90 minutes as opposed to 101 and get sleep at night.