R | 17 January 2009 (USA)
Spread Trailers

A gigolo must contend with the prospect that he has found true love.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
jeremynoll Ashton Kutcher is basically acting as himself in real life. The major problem with this movie is that it brings down the image of men, making every kid who watches this want to be a sort of toy boy. Since men watching this movie are obviously interested in getting the maximum amount of girls, they are most likely going to become irrespectable towards themselves thinking that this way they will be able to "catch" any girl. Every single man who watches this movie is going to stop having respect for themselves and for any women they come along, they will all turn into irrespectful assholes. I don't even understand why Nikki (Ashton Kutcher) is portrayed as an irresistible man if half of the movie he is dressed like a homosexual, wearing suspenders and earrings, combined with slim-fit pants and cowboy alike boots, I mean, anyone wearing that type of outfit is a homosexual.
OutsideHollywoodLand Sometimes Hollywood stars need to know their place on the walk of fame. A few stars - like Tom Hanks and Bruce Willis, seem to make the transition from the small screen to the large blockbusters in one effortless bounce. It's almost as if their personas are too big to be contained in a TV sitcom, and need the silver screen to blossom and grow. Others - like Ashton Kutcher - should be happily entertaining us on the small screen, where we can appreciate his quirky - yet limited - talents."Spread" proves that Ashton's skills just get lost once he wandered away from a TV sound stage. This movie is driven neither by tightly constructed plot or nor believable character development. And so sadly, we're reminded again that marginal B-list stars like Ashton Kutcher have to make a living, too.Starring Ashton Kutcher and Anne Heche, this movie vainly attempts to tell the story of a small-time west coast hustler, who imagines himself more successful than he actually is, in the harsh reality light bulb that is LA. Kutcher plays Nikki, who introduces himself with this voice over narration during a three + minute long take. (What male uses the female spelling for his first name?) "My whole life it was obvious I was going to end up in this city. I don't want to be arrogant here, but I'm an incredibly attractive man. I can't help it, I don't try to be, I just am. When I was a kid my mother's best friend used to tell me that I was gonna be a little heart breaker. Turns out she was right. Her husband came home from work one day and found us f*#kin' on the Stairmaster. Los Angeles, California - that's where all the beautiful little heart breakers go to live the dream. 30,000 of them arrive here every single month. 30,000 prom kings and queens, and Little Miss Cute Tits every one of them with stars in their eyes and a dream in their heart. When I first came out here, I had a dream - a dream of an easy life. I was gonna get rich from lyin' around having my picture taken. I was gonna live in the hills and drive a noisy yellow sports car and f*ck 6' girls who weighed 89 lbs. Guess what? Most of it came true." Is it surprising that it's all downhill from here? Kutcher is unconvincing as the LA hustler of wealthy women, since he obviously doesn't have anything to show for it. He picks up a woman, plays lounge lizard for a while, and then gets kicked out or – get this - he leaves! What successful hustler is going to walk out on makeup sex - at night - with only a third grade knapsack to show for it? Nikki spends 70% of his time playing couch potato at Samantha's (Anne Heche) upscale LA home and another 10% of the time playing Kama Sutra around her palatial digs while she whines about how badly he's treating her. And I do mean whines. . .shudder. The other 20% is spent in circular arguments with his dauntless friend, Harry, played by Sebastian Stan. Harry, in turn, lectures Nikki nonstop, with feminist phrases like "objectifying women" – no, seriously! – as Nikki vainly chases Heather, (Margarita Levieva) a small-time hustler who ultimately beats him at his own tired game.This film gets Mr. Kutcher one nod for a sad little moment in a hotel room, where he hopelessly attempts to connect with someone, via a voice message.But this reviewer is snatching back our one nod because of a sick final scene, involving a frog and a live mouse – and we wonder just who in Hades paid off PETA?
Danny Blankenship "Spread" probably isn't a movie classic still even though the film has plenty of skin and kinky erotic sex it still teaches a message that finding love is tough it hurts, and that in the real world one must grow up. The cast works well together especially the chemistry between Kutcher and Heche is in top form. And the plot is very interesting at least emotionally as it shows how a young man grows from lust to wanting love.Set in Los Angeles, CA you have Nikki(Ashton Kutcher)as a young man who's a want to be hotshot as in the city of angels he climbs in and out of the beds of beautiful women just like changing underwear daily. Yet that's all Nikki wants is the young hot ladies that he sees at parties. Only when one night he meets Samantha(Anne Heche)who's a classy and elegant sophisticated attorney this woman not only has a body, but she's full of money and power. Now could this be the chance for Nikki to settle down no all he wants from Samantha is hot steamy and erotic raunchy sex. And many of the scenes show just that the skin scenes of Anne Heche were a nice eye candy treat. Yet this does not develop into anything loving or meaningful as Samantha gets tired of the boy toy as she sees Nikki just will not grow up.Then when you think the film twist with Nikki finding love with a waitress named Heather(Margarita Levieva) at first the dating appears real yet only when Nikki wants a commitment he finally feels the cold shoulder. As really it's a dose of his own medicine as Heather doesn't want to commit to him proving love is complex and cold it hurts. Overall good film that's erotic and sex driven still it proves even though pleasure is enjoyed, that when searching for love it hurts and it's complex and tough to find. As I took that message from the film.
MovieBuff26 "Spread" is about this guy named Nikki. He is a homeless man but has sex with girls and tries to start relationships with them and which he has no intention on keeping. He uses the women for a place to stay. He finds this girl named Samantha at a club in the beginning of the movie. After a night of sex with each other Samantha starts to like him and Nikki moves in with her.While Sam is out of town Nikki meets this waitress that he actually likes.She plays hard to get at first but Nikki always gets the girl with his charm. They go out to dinner but she leaves early because she has to go and does not state why.He then finds her swimming in his pool. They have sex and he finds out the next morning that she has a boyfriend. During the time Sam is away in New York for business Nikki cheats on her with three different girls.Sam comes home early and catches Nikki in the act. She does not throw him out but soon arrange something out.Nikki later on in the movie meets up with Heather at a pool somewhere in LA. He then finds out that Heather does the same thing to people as he does. The movie continues on.....I found this movie to be interesting. It didn't keep me on the edge of my seat, wondering what would happen next. But, it did keep me interested.The ending could have definitely been predicted. Besides the fact. I liked that he would just have sex with so many girls and not feel anything for them after wards.It has a different storyline to it than most movies in my opinion. The Actresses were very attractive, so the casting crew did a good job on their part. Those were my likes about the film.My dislikes are that it could have had more comedy in it. Just some more jokes. I do not know what the Wardrobe was thinking for Nikki's clothing during the movie. A gigolo would not be dressing in suspenders with a scarf tied to his neck. I really don't think that would give a good impression on a girl.Over all pretty decent film. Not the best I have ever seen but it has potential. I would recommend seeing this film if you like to see naked hot women and and interesting plot.