Buying the Cow
Buying the Cow
R | 08 June 2002 (USA)
Buying the Cow Trailers

A commitment-averse man frantically hits the dating scene after his girlfriend starts pressuring him to pop the question.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
SnoopyStyle David Collins (Jerry O'Connell) lives with his girlfriend of five years Sarah (Bridgette Wilson-Sampras) in L.A. She's transferring to NYC and gives him a "deadline". She was inspired by their perpetual single friend Tyler Carter Bellows (Ron Livingston) suddenly getting engaged. She leaves and gives him two months to decide. She spends her time in NYC with friends Nicole (Annabeth Gish), Tyler, and boss Andrew Hahn. David wonders if she's the one and searches for that feeling he once had (with an underage girl) and a new mystery woman. His single best friends Mike Hanson (Ryan Reynolds) and Jonesy (Bill Bellamy) are not always helpful. He reconnects with college ex turned stripper Amy (Alyssa Milano).Writer/director Walt Becker brings along his Van Wilder star to spice up this rambling single-guy comedy. It's too bad that he's not the lead. He's the funniest part of this movie as spiderman. Jerry O'Connell doesn't have the same boyish charm. He's more of a best friend sidekick. The B story following Sarah in NYC adds nothing. This cast of actors has great potential but the material is not quite there.
Aaron G.McCaskey Undoubtedly one of the worst films I have suffered.The acting is adequate, the ensemble cast doesn't exhibit any significant shortfalls in this regard.The humor, however is base, vulgar and just plain not funny.Some of the reviewers marvel this film did not achieve theatrical release. The reasons why should not be amazing. Its just not funny.The "funny" scenes include a man stepping in his own vomit after believing he participated in homosexual acts, then falling out a window completely naked only to accost a boy for his t-shirt, before the boys father sees the naked man standing in front of his not shirtless son.Yes, homo-erotic-vomit-stepping-pedophiles are the height of this film's humor.My friend who showed me the film claimed that sequence was the pinnacle.I would hate to see the film's low point.I would rather sit through the non-MST3K version of Manos: Hands of Fate.
toddkrem This movie is my favorite. It has so many truths and is hilarious. I recommend to any guy. It helps explain relationships. It also faces everyday problems with dating and finding the one. A must see for anyone between the ages of 20 - 40. Has some great characters kind of like Tomcats. The guy from Office Space, and others. If you like comedies you will love this movie. THere are a lot of one liners too that are very funny. Ryan Renolds is great too. I like how they explain dating problems and finding "the one". THe movie flows very well especially when Ryan thinks he is gay!lol and the flashbacks at the airport.
sssimpson111999 4 years after the movie was made, I stumbled upon a gem. I was sucked in 15 minutes after it started and couldn't leave my couch even to hardly run to the bathroom. It was that great. A true representation of relationships, what guys and girls are looking for and a true replica of the men I have dated in the past. It made me wonder why I was asking the guy I have been with for 4 years for a commitment. I like to think I walked away from this film with a few more laughs and some good insight on what it is guys want or think they want! The cast was inspiring and a fun look at where some of them were just 4 years ago and how far they have come. I wish there was some more movies that made me laugh and think out loud.