Two Can Play That Game
Two Can Play That Game
R | 07 September 2001 (USA)
Two Can Play That Game Trailers

Corporate overachiever and all-around fly chick Shanté Smith thinks she's got the goods to keep her slickster boyfriend Keith, from straying—until he discovers a greener pasture, Shanté's archrival, Conny. Scorned, she plans to get her man back by any means necessary.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
zardoz-13 "Independence Day" actress Vivica A. Fox stars in the breezy, lightweight comedy "Two Can Play That Game" as a sexy but savvy senior advertising executive with a surefire ten-day strategy for manipulating errant boyfriends who step out on their women.This predictable but hilarious Anne Landers-like war-of-the-sexes situation comedy combines elements of Spike Lee's "She's Gotta Have It" (1986) and Forrest Whitaker's "Waiting to Exhale" (1995). As Shante Smith, Fox often turns to speak directly to the audience, breaking the fourth wall as it is called, to amuse us with insights in much the same way that Matthew Broderick did in John Hughes 1986 teen comedy "Ferris Bueller's Day Off." Shante addresses the camera while her companions appear blithely oblivious to these artificial asides. Although the humor occasionally qualifies as raunchy, first-time director Mark Brown has penned a harmlessly entertaining emotional epic that should keep both sexes laughing out loud at the antics of an exceptional ensemble cast featuring debonair Morris Chestnut and comic genius Anthony Anderson. Incidentally, Brown knows the romantic ropes rather well because he co-scripted director Lionel C. Martin's "How to Be a Player" (1997) about a playboy who gets his comeuppance from all the women who he cheated on at a party."The first time your man messes up," Shante advises, "no matter how minor the infraction, punish him. Punish him hard." Our heroine coaches a trio of soul sisters, Diedre (Mo'nique of "3 Strikes"), Karen (Wendy Raquel Robinson of "Miss Congeniality"), and Tracye (Tamala Jones of "Blue Streak") all of whom find themselves at the mercy of their errant men. Meanwhile, Shante endures none of their woes as she woos her boyfriend, Keith Fenton (Morris Chestnut of "The Brothers"), a successful, upscale, white-collar attorney. Moreover, Keith has never cheated on her. Shante's world shatters when Keith breaks a dinner date to work late at the office. Earlier, Shante had warned her friends that a man's most popular excuse for philandering is working late at the office.Nevertheless, Shante confides to the camera/audience that you never let your friends know if you are having trouble. Instead, Shante and her posse head off to their favorite restaurant nightspot where she catches Keith red-handed in the arms of another woman from his office. Predictably, Keith and his date scram, while an outraged Shante declares war on him with a foolproof ten-day plan to win him back. One of the best jokes here is the lingerie test. Shante tells her gal pals to buy lingerie a couple of sizes larger than their own and wedge it into the cushions of the couch at their boyfriend's apartment then extract the imitate item his presence and see what lies he conjures up on the spot to get himself out a jam.Shante isn't prepared for Keith's nimble-minded sidekick Tony (Anthony Anderson of "Me, Myself, and Irene") who furnishes shrewd guidance from a player's perspective. Sometimes, Tony manages to outsmart Shante, but he warns Keith that even the Central Intelligence Agency has nothing on a woman with a plan. Keith struggles desperately to maintain his composure, ringing up Shante who refuses to answer his phone calls. When she plays hard to get, rival businesswoman Conny Spalding (foxy Gabrielle Union of "Bring It On"), moves in on Keith, and an exasperated Shante pursues another guy. The irony of "Two Can Play That Game" is that Shante has a solid game plan, but she lacks the control over Keith that her girlfriends exert over their men. Furthermore, by the end of this nonsense, Shante learns a valuable lesson that she cannot control men with her rules.Nothing about "Two Can Play That Game" is, of course, remotely believable, but the jokes are fast and furious, and the cast looks like they enjoyed themselves to the utmost. Comedian Anthony Anderson steals every scene he has, while Whitney Houston's former husband Bobby Brown appears in a cameo as Karen's buck-toothed boyfriend. Black and white alike can enjoy this pre "Hitch" love comedy.
mack3175 Some may think this movie is like another male bashing movie. But it bashes males and females, when love turns into a battle of the sexes. The story starts with Shante Smith(Vivica A. Fox) a beautiful advertising executive who feels she has the perfect life and perfect boyfriend named Keith Fenton(Morris Chestnut) a handsome Lawyer. Shante becomes the envy of her friends. Until one night, while out with her girlfriends, Shante catches Keith dancing with another women. Keith working late, and was invited to go out to eat by a co worker, who just happened to be an attractive female. Although Keith claims nothing happened and in a way pleads for forgiviness. Shante starts punishing him with a 10 day plan, to get him back in line. For a while her plan is working. Then her plan starts going awry, when Keith starts turning the tables, Thanks to his friend Tony(Anthony Anderson) who helps Keith see right through her plans. A fun romantic comedy, Vivica A. Fox and Morris Chestnut give charming performances, but its Anthony Anderson who steals the picture has Tony, who seems to know more about women then Morris Chestnut's character. He has the funniest one liners in this film. Gabrielle Union is also good has Connie,the rumored tramp.
MLDinTN of the main character constantly talking to the camera. I thought this was fairly good and funny. I liked Shante's so called rules to getting your man back after breaking up. Some of them seem quite true. FINAL VERDICT: Worth watching if you can catch it on cable. I got a couple of laughs out of it.
Are-Jay This movie is a good movie that comically shows the mindgames that go on in everyday romantic relationships. It shows what happens when you fail to communicate properly and begin to read too much into things that may or may not exist.Vivica A Fox plays an arrogant conceited woman who finds her boyfriend cheating on her (so she thinks). He was just dancing with a co-worker who happens to be an attractive female. There was no sex or kissing, but Vivica read too much into it and wanted to teach him a lesson.She hosts a series of mean heartless games to play upon his insecurities and emotions for her persoanl kicks. It may be a movie, but it happens in everyday real life with women, and not just African American women either. Instead of trying to talk about what is bothering her, she resorts to trying to get even like a little high school girl would. She plays the part of a professional well off woman who is independent and has it all.....but where is her security and ethics! She spends too much time trying to get even and teaching him a lesson at the point where it consumes all her time.Vivica is getting sadistic pleasure from torturing her boyfriend until the tables turn on her. He shows up to a party with another woman, and Vivica is livid. She is so jealous and insecure, it will make your head spin. He just went to the party to move on with his life, and this bugs her. Women say they want a mature man who can just move on and leave them alone! BULL! Women want a man who will crawl after them to nourish their badly depleted ego's and restore the self-esteem they are badly lacking in the first place. Vivica is hoping that he will be waiting for her at her place after the party and is so sure of it.....but she is sadly disappointed when her home is empty and he isn't there for her. The story has a happy ending where she sees him in a club and tries to get him back and he feels sorry for her sorry ass and takes her back.....but not so many men are that forgiving.She talks to the camera in this movie and tells all the "so called rules" of relationships. One was that "The first one to break it off wins the game!" She was the first to break it off, but she is the one who lost the game that she created in the first place. He moved on and found someone else, and she was hurt and bothered by his mature justified actions. Woman can be so selfish and childish when like this.This movie is a good lesson for women to watch and learn from. If you mistreat your man, he'll move on sooner or later and find someone better than you. Then it is too late and you'll be crying you sorry little eyes out like the baby that you are in the first place. Playing games never wins anything, it just makes a loser out of you! My ex-girlfriend was exactly like that, but I never gave in to any of her mindgames and she lost the best thing that ever happened to her. Then she began stalking me until I put a restraining order on her. She thought she was being too smart by being like this, but the more mature person wins in the end (and finds a better person like I did!) The whole time she wanted me back, it was all a game to nourish her ego in front of her loser friends (much like Vivica in this movie). Playing games is not about love, its about control, and that is mentally unhealthy. If you love someone and want them, tell them and show it! Otherwise you will lose the best person you may ever meet in your life, and will never fill that gap ever again! It may be a comedy for a movie, but it is real! Games do not pay! I am not cutting down all women out there --- because there are lots of nice wonderful loving ones in this world who deserve good men! But the nasty ones who play emotional headgames for pleasure are pure dirt-bags who deserve what comes to them----Unhappiness!