Brown Sugar
Brown Sugar
PG-13 | 05 October 2002 (USA)
Brown Sugar Trailers

Sidney and Dre can attribute their lifelong friendship and the launch of their careers to one single childhood instant... witnessing the birth of hip-hop on a New York street corner. Now some 15 years later, she is a revered music critic at a national magazine and he is a successful, though unfulfilled, hip-hop record company executive. Both come to realize that their true life passions will only be fulfilled by remembering what they learned that day on the corner.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Winifred The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
rmaria300184 I really, really, really love this movie.I'm not the kind of girl that's into romance movie... I find them rather boring. But there's a little list of that genre, and this one it's on the top of the list.I like it because it's refreshing, it has romance and comedy, which isn't a favorite genre of mine either, but this movie mixed them just fine.Well aside from the fact that it takes the most common cliché of all, two best friend that are secretly in love with each other but won't say anything or accept the other advances because they can't risk a long term friendship in case it doesn't work but I love it.I mean you should invest the time.. you won't be disappointed, this is coming from me.
misstikal29 This can i just describe it: EXCELLENT! You can watch it once and one more can't get enough of it! The story of a man and woman, who are best friends....who don't know it that they are in love with each other? But both of them try to live their lives, with relationships, that never works...because they're made for each other! Dre get married...we don't know why....Syd wants to marry Kelby....everything's gonna crash!! The metaphor is unbelievable, but nothing special when you see it twice, but without that it's an incredible movie....I enjoyed it, and I do now ! If you have the opportunity to watch it, don't hesitate, you won't be disappointed!!
a_shiman My summary of the movie is my opinion. I love this movie because I feel that Sidney Shaw is using a metaphor throughout the whole movie. She is comparing Hip Hop to her best friend Dre, both of which are alike. I find this movie amazing because of all the metaphors found within the movie, that only one can find if they look closely.For example, when Sidney and Dre are in the store looking at something to buy for her new place, they come across a "vase" and the woman at the store explains to them that many couples enjoy that piece. Later within the movie, you see that that vase is in Sidney's house.I also enjoy this movie because everything that is said, and everything that is done within the movie has a meaning behind it. Foreshadowing is found everywhere, you just have to look closely enough for it. Nothing in this movie is done without a reason.Every line said within the movie is said beautifully and has significance behind it. My favourite line within the movie, that I've carried with me ever since I heard it is, "So what is the difference between rap and hip-hop? It's simple. It's like the difference between saying you love somebody and being IN love with somebody. Rap is just a word." When I heard that line, I fell in love with this movie and I had to watch it over again, and I have watched it many times. Each time I find more meanings that I missed the first time. What I like even more about this movie is that they use actual artists in the movie that state their opinion on "When they first fell in love with Hip Hop." "Brown Sugar" spoke to me. It's real. Nothing in it is fake like in the majority of movie's these days which is why I think I enjoy it so much. I recommend this movie to anyone who has a passion about something or to anyone who looks for significant meanings behind anything.
Orridge88 I believe Brown Sugar is a movie that should and possibly will always be remembered. I like the movie since it displays the true meaning of hip-hop. Not only that but it shows how true friends may end up getting together. My comment may not sound clear since my mind is all jungled up. Sanaa Lathan and Taye Diggs played excellent roles in the movie along with Queen Latifah, Nicole Ari Parker, Boris Kodjoe, and Mos Def. Another good thing about the movie promotes the Bronx!! Holla!!!!!! That's for the haters who stay hatin' on the BX!