Game of Death
Game of Death
R | 15 February 2011 (USA)
Game of Death Trailers

CIA agent Marcus is sent undercover to Detroit to take out an arms dealer and the head of the hedge fund that is financing him. His CIA backup has other plans and turns on him, and it's a fight to survive in a hospital and into the hedge fund vault.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
tomkusmierz Man, I remember when having Snipes on screen would give you chills ... in this move everything is so forced ... it makes you vomit :( Snipes, what happened to you man, you used to be not only high kicks but a good screen plan (to some extent). This movie is just forced :/ People that are not fans on Blade will say that blade was A LOT better ... and that says a lot that cheesy vampire flick is better than this.So, if you like a movie that carters to conspiracy theorists that claim that system is corrupt, you like corny c*** where main characters are cardboard cut outs of stereotypes, a movie where even action scenes where you should run for you life looks like somebody is speed walking - watch it.And yes I din't understand people that give more that 1 star to movie that has no value ... to have some value you need to go beyond large CG muzzle on pistol (specially one with suppressor, for f*** sake)
Adam Peters (46%) A fairly reasonable direct to DVD outing for Snipes, that is better than most of what Seagal can usually churn out without necessarily being up to cinema standards. There's a touch more effort put into the writing, even if it is pretty ropey at times, and the slightly slower pacing allows itself to build at least some sense of character absent from almost all movies of this type; there's also a coherently told plot adding another string to its bow. What does let this down more than a little though is the distracting direction that feels like the director made his way through every annoying effect preinstalled in his camera. With added help from famous faces of Robert Davi, Ernie Hudson, Zoe Bell, and fair share of decent action, making this is a decent watch, if not entirely anything that needs to be seen.
Leofwine_draca GAME OF DEATH (bad choice, choosing a title the same as the Bruce Lee movie, as well as making this sound like a tournament-style film, which is isn't) is one of the last movies Wesley Snipes made before being jailed for tax evasion, and it's one for the fans. Most people unaccustomed to B-movies will see it for what it is - a cheap, overly familiar star vehicle that's not much different from the kind of DTV trash Seagal films these days.However, those who enjoy low budget action flicks may find a surprise or two in a film which turns out to be a lot better than expected, purely because it's serious, straight to the point, with a well-focused script and plenty of action. In essence, Snipes is part of a CIA team who turn renegade and forget to tell him about it, leaving him the only guy capable of taking down the bad guys.GAME OF DEATH has plenty of action, and a lot of it is good. There's an extended hospital siege scenario (complete with homages to HARD BOILED) which takes place around the halfway mark, and this is the highlight, offering a series of frenetic one-on-one fights as Snipes tackles numerous henchmen, including DRUNKEN MASTER II's Ho-Sung Pak. The fights aren't the best the genre has to offer, but they're pretty intense and don't shy away from violence, which is always a good thing.The rest of the storyline, taking place outside of the hospital, is less gripping, but the last third is still pretty good. It helps that Snipes is on top hard-ass form, refusing to back down and taking it to the villains throughout. The ever-underrated Gary Daniels is a nice choice as the chief baddie, and there are great supporting turns from familiar actors who have been away from our screens for too long, like Ernie Hudson and Robert Davi. Choreography is fairly good and the film zips along at a fine old pace. I liked it.
TdSmth5 Game of Death if a straightforward political action flick. Wesley Snipes plays a CIA agent who walks into a church and tells the priest he's killed a lot of people. He reluctantly confesses. He was assigned to infiltrate and kill an arms dealer. On the day of the mission things start going wrong. The dealers' caravan is attacked and the arms dealer suffers a heart attack. Snipes, who now is security for the dealer at first doesn't now what is going on. In a hospital he finds himself under attack again. His CIA team went rogue and has its own plans for the dealer.Some interesting and critical things are said of the US, war, and corporate interests. This movie is straightforward action because there is no romantic interest, Snipes isn't fighting for his family or some such thing, in the end it comes down to his own survival.This is an East-coast B movie that has a certain 90s feel to it. It's all about the action and the action is very good- typical Wesley Snipes stuff- energetic, fast, brutal. Snipes has always been somewhat of an under-appreciated action star.The movie could have had a bit more story, especially about the sinister corporate/government deals. Snipes, who is a fine actor overall could have gotten a bit more do. It suffers from some weird visual choices. Often there are quick scenes filmed in black and white for some reason, or other color changes during actions scenes that serve no purpose. Otherwise, this is a pretty entertaining, plain action flick with good fight scenes.