Along Came Polly
Along Came Polly
PG-13 | 16 January 2004 (USA)
Along Came Polly Trailers

Reuben Feffer is a guy who's spent his entire life playing it safe. Polly Prince is irresistible as a free-spirit who lives for the thrill of the moment. When these two comically mismatched souls collide, Reuben's world is turned upside down, as he makes an uproarious attempt to change his life from middle-of-the-road to totally-out-there.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
michaeltrivedi Along Came Polly is a very good romantic comedy. It tells the story of a stable man with a good job falling for a woman who is not so stable in life. It really covered all the bases of a good movie, and kept me enthused all the way through. I am not too much of a Hoffman fan myself, but I think he had some of the funniest parts in the whole movie. Great time!8 Stars
Python Hyena Along Came Polly (2004): Dir: John Hamberg / Cast: Ben Stiller, Jennifer Aniston, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Debra Messing, Hank Azaria: Romantic comedy about chance and risks. Ben Stiller and Debra Messing get married and are off on their honeymoon but an invitation to go scuba diving ends in infidelity. Heart-broken Stiller tries to move on and eventually encounters old school mate Jennifer Aniston as a waitress at a party. He decides to ask her out, which leads to spicy foods that make him break out in a sweat. He also gets caught up in Latin dancing, which leaves him standing at the side. And to top it off she has a half blind ferret that bumps into everything. Director John Hamberg times the jokes perfectly and is backed by a fine cast. Stiller and Aniston have fine comedic chemistry but thankfully they are both given the background and payoff to pull this above routine. Phillip Seymour Hoffman steals scenes as a washed out actor who comes up with a vulgar term called "sharted" at a party. Messing is effective as Stiller's ex-wife who moves on to what she believes is better potential. Hank Azaria plays the hunk whom Messing cheats on Stiller for. He is a scuba instructor but apparently he instructs her in other activities. What isn't appealing is its apparent anti-marriage theme as if to say that all marriages end in infidelity. With that said this is one of the misfire comedies to come along. Score: 5 / 10
KirstyGalbraith Sometimes I'm sure that people who review a funny movie such as this one and give it a bad rating must simply be the most serious and boring people on the planet. Sheesh.What I love about this movie is how many of the characters have such memorable hilarious moments of their own - Hank Azaria being my all-time favourite as Claude. I'm not a huge fan of slapstick humour; I much prefer relatable humour where real people get in awkward situations, and Along Came Polly is just that. Cringe-worthy and laugh out loud only regret is not getting to see this in a packed movie theatre!Fun, funny movie and those of us who like laughing will do lots of it during this flick!
SnoopyStyle Reuben Feffer (Ben Stiller) is a by the numbers guy who calculates risks for a living. He's with his wife Lisa Kramer (Debra Messing) on their honeymoon when she runs off with horribly accented Claude (Hank Azaria). So he goes home alone, and meets an old schoolmate Polly Prince (Jennifer Aniston). She's his opposite, a freestyle no-plans nomad.If this was a simple boy meets girl story, there's a chance for a good rom-com here. But this movie starts off bad. Hank Azaria has a really stupid accent. And having his butt shoved in our face isn't funny. In fact this movie tries very hard and gets very few laughs.It seems that everybody is trying to one up everybody else. Besides wacky Hank Azaria, Alec Baldwin is his inappropriate boss. Philip Seymour Hoffman is his annoying best friend. But Ben Stiller is the biggest problem with a way too pathetic character. Ladies like confidence, so it's hard to see why she likes him. They could fix this easily by Reuben showing passion for the numbers, and Polly loving Reuben for his passion. It's OK to love the numbers. And it's OK to love somebody who loves the numbers.